package implements an extension
of standard JSON that is easier
for humans to write and modify. It's based on Tailscale's corresponding HuJSON library but allows for some additional syntax.
/* Block comments and multiline strings */
multi: `
This is a
multiline string
bar: "baz", // Line comments are allowed and unquoted keys
foo: "bar", // Trailing commas are allowed too
}'s HuJSON format permits the following additions over standard JSON:
C-style line comments and block comments can be intermixed with whitespace.
// This is a line comment
"foo": "bar", /* This is a block comment */
"baz": "quux"
Trailing commas after the last member/element in an object/array are allowed.
"foo": "bar", // It's ok to have a comma in the last element
As a result, you can comment out the last entry in an object or array, and the commas still parse correctly:
"foo": "bar",
// "baz": "quux"
Multiline strings are allowed. Multiline strings use JavaScript's template strings syntax, and are delimited with a backtick (`
They are particularly useful for writing long strings that contain newlines.
"foo": `This is a multiline string
that contains a newline`,
// This is an inline bash script:
"script": `
echo "Hello, world!"
The key for an object can be written without quotes if it starts with a letter (a-z, A-Z) and is followed by letters, numeric digits, or underscores. Javscript, and Typescript already allow for unquoted keys (but standard JSON does not)
foo: "bar",
baz_quux: "quuz"