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Sonata Trace
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Implement basic Sonata Trace functionality via Arduino ICSP connector.
For now this just presents the microSD SPI traffic.
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alees24 committed Nov 15, 2024
1 parent 0ec0807 commit faa03ac
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Showing 6 changed files with 195 additions and 3 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions data/pins_sonata.xdc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -239,6 +239,12 @@ set_property PULLTYPE PULLUP [get_ports rph_g1]
set_property PULLTYPE PULLUP [get_ports rph_g0]

## Arduino Shield
## ICSP - hijacked for Sonata Trace port.
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports ah_tmpio14]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN P14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports ah_tmpio15]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports ah_tmpio17]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports ah_tmpio16]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 IO_BUFFER_TYPE NONE } [get_ports ah_tmpio13]
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion dv/verilator/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -297,6 +297,10 @@ module top_verilator (input logic clk_i, rst_ni);
wire [7:0] user_sw_n = '0;
wire [2:0] sel_sw_n = '0;

// Sonata Trace Port functionality.
logic [3:0] strace;
wire strace_unused_ = ^strace;

// Instantiating the Sonata System.
sonata_system #(
.CheriErrWidth ( CheriErrWidth ),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,7 +403,9 @@ module top_verilator (input logic clk_i, rst_ni);
.out_to_pins_o (out_to_pins ),
.inout_from_pins_i (inout_from_pins ),
.inout_to_pins_o (inout_to_pins ),
.inout_to_pins_en_o (inout_to_pins_en)
.inout_to_pins_en_o (inout_to_pins_en),

.strace_o (strace)

// I2C HAT ID DPI - this I2C bus is to the ID EEPROM of a Raspberry Pi HAT.
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16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion rtl/fpga/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,6 +111,12 @@ module top_sonata
inout logic ah_tmpio8,
inout logic ah_tmpio9,

// Sonata Trace port.
inout logic ah_tmpio14,
inout logic ah_tmpio15,
inout logic ah_tmpio16,
inout logic ah_tmpio17,

// Arduino shield SPI bus
inout logic ah_tmpio10, // Chip select
inout logic ah_tmpio11, // COPI
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,6 +272,12 @@ module top_sonata
logic rs485_rx, rs485_tx;
logic rs485_rx_enable, rs485_tx_enable;

// Sonata Trace port
// - the signal ordering here ensures that when tracing an SPI bus the signals match the pin
// names and PCB legend since we're hijacking the ICSP connector which carries an SPI bus.
logic [3:0] strace;
assign {ah_tmpio14, ah_tmpio17, ah_tmpio15, ah_tmpio16} = strace;

sonata_system #(
.CheriErrWidth ( 9 ),
.SRAMInitFile ( SRAMInitFile ),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,7 +378,9 @@ module top_sonata
.out_to_pins_o (out_to_pins ),
.inout_from_pins_i (inout_from_pins ),
.inout_to_pins_o (inout_to_pins ),
.inout_to_pins_en_o (inout_to_pins_en)
.inout_to_pins_en_o (inout_to_pins_en),

.strace_o (strace)

assign rgbled0 = ~rgbled_dout;
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105 changes: 105 additions & 0 deletions rtl/ip/strace/rtl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Sonata Trace Port functionality.
module strace_top
// Number of I2C buses to trace.
parameter int unsigned I2C_NUM = 1,
// Number of SPI buses to trace.
parameter int unsigned SPI_NUM = 1
) (
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,

// Configuration interface.
input logic cfg_re,
input logic cfg_we,
input logic [3:0] cfg_addr,
input logic [31:0] cfg_wdata,
output logic [31:0] cfg_rdata,

// I2C bus(es).
input logic [I2C_NUM-1:0] i2c_scl,
input logic [I2C_NUM-1:0] i2c_sda,

// SPI bus(es).
input logic [SPI_NUM-1:0] spi_cs,
input logic [SPI_NUM-1:0] spi_sck,
input logic [SPI_NUM-1:0] spi_copi,
input logic [SPI_NUM-1:0] spi_cipo,

// TL-UL activity.
input logic [3:0] tlul_trace,

// Trace output.
output logic [3:0] strace_o

// TODO: We probably want to use structured data types to prevent awkward reordering of signals.

// Re-time all of the inputs by running them through synchronizers.
// TODO: Simplify this by padding to 4 here?
localparam int unsigned TraceInW = 4 + SPI_NUM*4 + I2C_NUM*2;
logic [TraceInW-1:0] trace_in;
prim_flop_2sync #(
.Width (TraceInW)
) u_cdc (
.clk_i (clk_i),
.rst_ni (rst_ni),
.d_i ({tlul_trace,
spi_cipo, spi_copi, spi_sck, spi_cs,
i2c_sda, i2c_scl}),
.q_o (trace_in)

// Instantiate the execution trace logic.

// The configuration interface presently consists of nothing more than a control register.
reg [31:0] control;
wire enable = control[31]; // Enabling trace output?
wire [3:0] src_sel = control[3:0]; // Source selection.
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
// TODO: For now we want the strace to be on the microSD card output.
// control <= 32'b0;
control <= 32'(I2C_NUM);
end else if (cfg_we) begin
case (cfg_addr)
default: control <= cfg_wdata;
assign cfg_rdata = control; // There's only a single register at present.

// We may now choose the appropriate source.
localparam int unsigned SPI_OFST = I2C_NUM * 2;
logic [4:0] spi_idx = 5'(32'(src_sel) - I2C_NUM);
logic [3:0] sel_strace;
always_comb begin
if (32'(src_sel) < I2C_NUM) begin
sel_strace = {2'b00, trace_in[I2C_NUM + 32'(src_sel)], trace_in[{1'b0,src_sel}]};
end else if (32'(src_sel) < I2C_NUM + SPI_NUM) begin : sel_spi
sel_strace = {trace_in[SPI_NUM*3 + SPI_OFST + 32'(spi_idx)],
trace_in[SPI_NUM*2 + SPI_OFST + 32'(spi_idx)],
trace_in[SPI_NUM + SPI_OFST + 32'(spi_idx)],
trace_in[ SPI_OFST + 32'(spi_idx)]};
end else begin
sel_strace = trace_in[SPI_NUM*4 + I2C_NUM*2+3 -: 4];

// Output the trace signals.
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
strace_o <= 4'b0;
end else if (enable) begin
strace_o <= sel_strace;

logic unused_;
assign unused_ = cfg_re;

endmodule : strace_top
62 changes: 61 additions & 1 deletion rtl/system/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,7 +101,9 @@ module sonata_system
output sonata_out_pins_t out_to_pins_o,
input sonata_inout_pins_t inout_from_pins_i,
output sonata_inout_pins_t inout_to_pins_o,
output sonata_inout_pins_t inout_to_pins_en_o
output sonata_inout_pins_t inout_to_pins_en_o,

output logic [3:0] strace_o
// Signals, types and parameters for system. //
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1208,6 +1210,64 @@ module sonata_system

// TODO: Tap onto the PWM device port for now.
wire strace_cfg_re = device_req[Pwm] & !device_we[Pwm] & device_addr[Pwm][8];
wire strace_cfg_we = device_req[Pwm] & device_we[Pwm] & device_addr[Pwm][8];
wire [3:0] strace_cfg_addr = device_addr[Pwm][3:0];
wire [31:0] strace_cfg_wdata = device_wdata[Pwm];

// Collect the I2C buses and SPI buses.
logic [I2C_NUM-1:0] strace_i2c_scl;
logic [I2C_NUM-1:0] strace_i2c_sda;
logic [SPI_NUM-1:0] strace_spi_sck;
logic [SPI_NUM-1:0] strace_spi_cs; // TODO: require multi-CS support.
logic [SPI_NUM-1:0] strace_spi_copi;
logic [SPI_NUM-1:0] strace_spi_cipo;
always_comb begin
for (integer i = 0; i < I2C_NUM; i++) begin
strace_i2c_scl[i] = i2c_scl_d2h[i];
strace_i2c_sda[i] = i2c_sda_d2h[i];
for (integer i = 0; i < SPI_NUM; i++) begin
strace_spi_sck[i] = spi_sclk[i];
strace_spi_cs[i] = spi_cs[i][1]; // TODO: Only interested in microSD presently!
strace_spi_copi[i] = spi_copi[i];
strace_spi_cipo[i] = spi_cipo[i];

// Sonata Trace port.
strace_top #(
) u_strace(
.clk_i (clk_sys_i),
.rst_ni (rst_sys_ni),

// Configuration interface.
.cfg_re (strace_cfg_re),
.cfg_we (strace_cfg_we),
.cfg_addr (strace_cfg_addr),
.cfg_wdata (strace_cfg_wdata),
// TODO: make read data available; presently not done because of GPIO tap.
.cfg_rdata (),

// I2C bus(es).
.i2c_scl (strace_i2c_scl),
.i2c_sda (strace_i2c_sda),

// SPI bus(es).
.spi_cs (strace_spi_cs),
.spi_sck (strace_spi_sck),
.spi_copi (strace_spi_copi),
.spi_cipo (strace_spi_cipo),

// TL-UL activity.
.tlul_trace (4'h0),

.strace_o (strace_o)

// Debug module top.
dm_top #(
.NrHarts ( 1 ),
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions sonata_system.core
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ filesets:
- rtl/system/
- rtl/bus/
- rtl/ip/strace/rtl/
- rtl/system/
- rtl/system/
- rtl/system/
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