For extraction only:
Make environment
conda create -n gf "python=3.10" numpy scipy matplotlib h5py
conda activate gf
and install
cd path/to/GF3D
pip install -e .
For generation:
For post-processing the following pacakges need to be installed by hand after
, scipy
and matplotlib
have been installed:
export MPICC=$(which mpicc)
python -m pip install mpi4py
you need to compile HDF5 with parallel i/o support.
# Summit
export HDF5_DIR=/gpfs/alpine/geo111/scratch/lsawade/SGT/SpecfemMagic/packages/hdf5/build/
# Traverse
export HDF5_DIR=/scratch/gpfs/lsawade/SpecfemMagic/packages/hdf5/build/
CC="mpicc" HDF5_MPI="ON" HDF5_DIR=${HDF5_DIR} pip install --no-binary=h5py --no-cache-dir h5py
You need to compile adios as well for reading the Specfem output files.
conda develop path/to/adios-install-dir/lib/python3.10/site-packages/adios2