This repository contains material accompanying the paper Marina: Realizing ML-driven Real-time Network Traffic Monitoring at Terabit Scale by Michael Seufert, Katharina Dietz, Nikolas Wehner, Stefan Geißler, Joshua Schüler, Manuel Wolz, Andreas Hotho, Pedro Casas, Tobias Hoßfeld, and Anja Feldmann.
Contained are the implementations of the P4 program designed for the Tofino 1 platform as well as the data plane controller.
- bf-sde version 8.9
- A modified bf-sde is required to load the generated .so library. For copyright reasons, this is not included. (have a look at Mantis: Reactive Programmable Switches, how to achieve this)
This guide assumes you have a separate dev machine and the tofino switch and bf-sde correctly set up on the tofino switch. This repository must be on your dev machine and reverse mounted on your tofino switch (This is described in the Prerequisites section)
- Setup ssh key authentication for tofino switch
Create easy to access hostname for ssh so you can connect with
ssh shortcut_name
(in ~/.ssh/config) Host shortcut_name HostName host_ip User your_username ServerAliveInterval 30
Connect to tofino with
ssh shortcut_name -R 10000:localhost:22
Start sshd service on your dev machine (open port if necessary)
Mount with
sshfs -p 10000 -o idmap=user,nonempty username@ server_folder
on server (clear .ssh/known_hosts if an entry for localhost already exists on the server) -
Later unmount with
fusermount -uz server_folder
on server -
has to contain. /home/bf-sde-8.9.2/sde/set_sde.bash export BSP=/home/username export BSP_INSTALL=/home/username/bf-sde-8.9.2/install
Make sure a symlink to your sde version exists
ln -s bf-sde-8.9.2/ sde
Create Python venv in p4_Controller
python3 -venv p4_Controller/
(dev machine) -
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Adjust settings in controller/config.h
and p4/config.p4
Take a look into
to make sure all paths are correct
Generate autogenerated files (create both autogenerated folders before) (best on dev machine, because you need a current python version)
python3 p4/autogenerated/table_sizes.p4 controller/autogenerated/static_tables.h
Run ./ on dev machine
You can build a release or a debug build, adjust the commands accordingly. (The following has to be done on the tofino switch)
Create folder
if it does not exist -
In the folder:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" ..
) -
In the folder:
make -j8 controller && cp ~/sde/
(make -j8 benchmark_name
to build other benchmarks, some are standalone some also are .so files)
Make sure you are in ~/sde (this needs to be your working dir, to load the controller)
./ -p marina_data_plane.p4