This project provides a simpy-based simulation of the RAP protocol for Time-Sensitive Networking, aiming to allow for the convenient comparison of the performance between different configuration methods and topology structures. The simulation is written in Python. We provide the full code used for generating the results detailed in the accompanying paper, and additionally include a smaller example, as detailed below. The topologies used in the paper are generated via an internally developed tool for generating possible industrial topologies..
The definition of the network topology is provided through a json-file, an example of which is provided in the example_scenario/example.json file. This file has been created through the TSN-topology_generator tool, specifying a small problem instance. For now, all other parameters are provided through hard-coded parameters in the respective main methods.
For a list of required dependencies, please consult the requirements.txt file.
To run the example scenario, for which the topology is placed in example_scenario/example.json, it is sufficient to simply run the python script. This will run the simulation for the decentralized configuration method on the provided topology.