- Route
: page that contains the homepage where memes are displayed. - Route
: page that contains the form for creating a new meme. - Route
: page that contains a login form. - Route
: page that contains a form to log out.
request body content:
{ "username": "username", "password": "password" }
response body content:
{ "id": "id", "username": "username", "password": "password" }
- request body content: NONE
- response body content : NONE
request body content: NONE
response body content:
{ "id": "id", "username": "username", "password": "password" }
request body content: NONE
response body content: Array of objects, each describing one meme:
{ "id": 5, "title": "title", "protect": 0, "nameCreator": "nameCreator", "user": 1, "color": "color", "font": "font", "image": { "id": 7, "path": "path" }, "phrases": [ { "id": 6, "property": 5, "text": "text", "width": 200, "height": 100, "x": 5, "y": 5 } ] }
: -
request body content: NONE
response body content: Array of objects, each describing one public meme:
{ "id": 5, "title": "title", "protect": 0, "nameCreator": "nameCreator", "user": 1, "color": "color", "font": "font", "image": { "id": 7, "path": "path" }, "phrases": [ { "id": 6, "property": 5, "text": "text", "width": 200, "height": 100, "x": 5, "y": 5 } ] }
request body content: NONE
response body content: Array of objects, each describing one image:
{ "id": 5, "name": "name", "path": "path", "phrases": [1,2,6] }
request body content: object describing new meme
{ "color" : "color", "font": "font", "image": 2, "phrases": [ { id: 1, "text": "text" } ], "protect": true, "title": "title" }
response body content: NONE
request body content: NONE
request parameters:
of the meme to delete -
response body content:
- Table
- contains id name username hash- A record identifies a creator user.
- Table
- contains id path name- A record identifies a basic image for creating a meme
- Table
- contains id title image protect user font color- A record identifies a meme with all its properties
- Table
- contains id text property meme- A record identifies a phrase of a meme and is connected to the specific property and specific meme.
- Table
- contains id width height x y image- A record identifies a property of an image. That is where the texts in the image must be positioned .
): navigational bar that allows you to go back to the home or log in.MemeList
): component that displays a list of memes and allows you to perform some operations on each of them.MemeForm
): component that allows you to create a new meme.Meme
): component that shows the meme with the texts in the right position.MemeModal
): component that through a modal shows the meme with all its information.LoginForm
): component that takes care of the login.LogoutForm
): component that takes care of the logout.Main
): component that contains the logic of the WebApp.
- username: luigi@polito.it password: luigi, memes: "batman italy vs england", "don't worry", "my dog-2".
- username: antonia@polito.it password: antonia, memes: "my dog", "valentine", "gamers-2".
- username: marco@polito.it password: marco, memes: "messi vs ronaldo", "gamers", "don't worry-2".