Author | Ľuboslav Motošický, @lubiku35
Project Name | OFTRS - Online Fitness Training Reservation System
The project model represents a database design for software application - Online Fitness Training Reservation System, which is an innovative solution dedicated to fitness centers and sports clubs who want to implement database solution for improvement of the process of booking and scheduling of their training sessions for their clients.
This system allows its clients to choose from a wide range of trainings and activities that will always be available online, and the option of booking a spot in these activities.
The database maintains a record of both the users and trainers of a specific system and the particular training or workout session recorded for them, as well as the payments and bookings associated to those sessions.
The project task involved developing a comprehensive database application, starting with the creation of a conceptual ER model incorporating at least 5 entities, various attribute types, and relationship cardinalities, including advanced features like inheritance and recursion.
This model was then transformed into a relational model, followed by the implementation of an SQL database schema with integrity constraints and the formulation of queries to manipulate and retrieve data, demonstrating advanced SQL features.
Additionally, the project extended into incorporating advanced database technologies such as transactions, views, triggers, and indexes, and concluded with the development of a basic Java application using JPA that interacts with the database, emphasizing on writing operations and transaction management.