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Show native BottomSheets with .NET MAUI!

  • Built-in NavigationService
  • Open any ContenPage or View as BottomSheet
  • Create BottomSheets in any layout
  • Configurable header
  • MVVM support


Check out sample project to explore all features!.


iOS at least iOS 15

Android at least API 21


Enable this plugin by calling UseBottomSheet() in your MauiProgram.cs

var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
  .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
    fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
    fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");


return builder.Build();

Bottom Sheet Control


All properties expect ContentTemplate, TitleViewTemplate and Peek.PeekViewDataTemplate are BindableProperties

IsOpen Open or close BottomSheet

ContentTemplate Content of BottomSheet.

Peek Peek settings (available from iOS 16)

Setting Description
IgnoreSafeArea Bottom safe area will either be ignored or not
PeekHeight Fixed value for peek height
PeekViewDataTemplate If set view will be placed above ContentTemplate and it's height will be set as peek height


IsDraggable Disable/Enable dragging(especially usefull if drawing gestures are made inside bottom sheet)

HasHandle Display a drag handle at top of BottomSheet

IsCancelable Is BottomSheet cancelable


ShowHeader Display a header at top of BottomSheet

TopLeftButtonText Text of top left button

TopRightButtonText Text of top right button

TitleText BottomSheet title

TitleViewTemplate Custom title view.

HeaderAppearance Define look of header

BottomSheetHeaderAppearanceMode Decription
None Do not show a button
LeftAndRightButton Show a button at top lef and at top right
LeftButton Show a button at top left
RightButton Show a button at top right


SheetStates Allowed states of BottomSheet

BottomSheetState Decription
Unknown BottomSheet can be all available states
Peek Only BottomSheet.Peek is visible. Expanding not allowed
Medium BottomSheet height will be half of sceen. Expanding/collapsing not allowed
Large BottomSheet will be display in full screen. Expanding/collapsing not allowed
All BottomSheet can be all available states

SelectedSheetState Change current Sheet state. Sheet will be expanded/collapsed if selected state is allowed.



TopRightButtonCommand TopRightButtonCommandParameter

TopLeftButtonCommand TopLeftButtonCommandParameter

ClosingCommand ClosingCommandParameter

ClosedCommand ClosedCommandParameter

OpeningCommand OpeningCommandParameter

OpenedCommand OpenedCommandParameter


Closing Closed Opening Opened

XAML usage

In order to make use of sheet within XAML you can use this namespace:


BottomSheet is a View and can be added in any layout or control which accepts View. To open/close a BottomSheet simply set IsOpen property to true/false. You can have multiple BottomSheets on one page.

<bottomsheet:BottomSheet IsOpen="True">
                <Label Text="I'm a simple BottomSheet!/>


IBottomSheetNavigationService is be registered automatically and can be resolved by DI.

private readonly IBottomSheetNavigationService _bottomSheetNavigationService;

public MainViewModel(IBottomSheetNavigationService bottomSheetNavigationService)
  _bottomSheetNavigationService = bottomSheetNavigationService;

To navigate to a BottomSheet you have to register BottomSheets and ViewModels


builder.Services.AddTransient<IBottomSheet, BottomSheetNoVM>();
builder.Services.AddTransient<IBottomSheet, BottomSheetVM>();
builder.Services.AddTransient<IBottomSheet, BottomSheetGoBack>();

Navigate to a BottomSheet and wire it automatically to specified ViewModel or navigate to a BottomSheet without a ViewModel

_bottomSheetNavigationService.NavigateTo<BottomSheetVM, BottomSheetVMViewModel>();

To close a BottomSheet simply call GoBack or ClearBottomSheetStack(if you have multiple sheets open and want to close all of them)

You can pass parameters on each navigation(this follows principle of shell navigation) Pass an instance of BottomSheetNavigationParameters to navigation and if target ViewModel implements IQueryAttributable parameters will be applied.

BottomSheet Builder

Open any ContentPage or View as BottomSheet

Use IBottomSheetBuilder to build a BottomSheet from a ContentPage or View. Use IBottomSheetBuilderFactory to create a new instance of IBottomSheetBuilder. By default both instance types are registered and can be resolved by DI(may change in future if custom services are needed!)


Method Decription
FromView Build View as BottomSheet
FromContentPage Build ContentPage as BottomSheet
ConfigureBottomSheet Configure BottomSheet with known API
WithParameters Create NavigationParameters
WireTo Wire BottomSheet to a specified ViewModel
TryAutoWire Set BindingContext of ContentPage as BindingContext of BottomSheet
Open Open built BottomSheet


public MainViewModel(IBottomSheetBuilderFactory bottomSheetBuilderFactory)
    _bottomSheetBuilderFactory = bottomSheetBuilderFactory;
private void OpenContentPageAsBottomSheet()
	.ConfigureBottomSheet((sheet) =>
	    sheet.SheetStates = BottomSheetState.All;
private void OpenViewAsBottomSheet()
        .ConfigureBottomSheet((sheet) =>
            sheet.SheetStates = BottomSheetState.Medium;


Native BottomSheets in .Net Maui!







