Releases: luglilab/Cytophenograph
Releases · luglilab/Cytophenograph
Release V6.1
Release V6.0
- Import and export FCS files
- Python3 version 10
- Fix some bugs
Release V5.2
- Set number of events
Release V5.1
- Quality control with FlowAI tool
- Channel Parsing
- Minor bug fixing
- Introducing PyVIA instead of PARC
Full Changelog: 5.0...5.1
Release V5.0
- Export of cluster columns in concatenated files fixed
- Introducing runtime flag with the following choices (flag -r ):
1. Full mode, Clustering and UMAP generation output
2. Clustering, only clustering steps are computed
3. UMAP, only umap coordinates are computed - Intoducing Scanorama package for batch correction (flag -b )and possibility to choice which column of Infofile to use for batch correction (flag -e )
- Introducing the possibility to modify UMAP min distance and spread
- UMAP generation for all column on infofile
Release V4.0
What's Changed
- Update by @sinnamone in #5
New Contributors
- @sinnamone made their first contribution in #5
Full Changelog: 2.2...4.0
Major release:
- Create function "runflowsom" that will allow users to perform clustering with flowsom python package
- Remove "both" parameter, deprecated.
- Remove "pdf" plot
- Anndata.X now is scaled, improve visualization in Cellxgene
Minor release:
- Fix bug on if at line 106 of file
- Change min_dist parameter on line 222 from 0.001 to 0.01
- Upload new testing dataset
Cytophenograph Release 1.0
Cytophenograph Release 2.0
Export of analysis in h5ad, ready to use with cellxgene
Use of anndata object instead of only pandas dataframe
Add info_file with metadata information as new input
Remove warning when export in eps