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Collection of advanced PostgreSQL queries for reference

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Advanced SQL


Collection of advanced SQL from different exercises for reference.


1. SQL Window Function Part 1

1.1. Fundamentals, the Over Clause and Partition By

From SQL Window Function. Documentation on Window Function. Documentation on Window Functions.

A window function performs a calculation across a set of (table) rows that are somehow related to the current row. This is comparable to the type of calculation that can be done with an aggregate function. However, window functions do not cause rows to become grouped into a single output row like non-window aggregate calls would. Instead, the rows retain their separate identities. For example these queries:

select max(salary) as max_salary
from employee
select dept_name, max(salary) as max_salary_per_department
from employee
group by dept_name

Become these:

select e.*, max(salary) over() as max_salary
from employee as e
-- the over clause with no parameter produces a window of the whole table
select e.*, max(salary) over( partition by dept_name ) as max_salary_per_dept
from employee as e
-- shows max salary per deparment in addition to employee data

Note that the rows considered by a window function are those of the “virtual table” produced by the query's FROM clause (as filtered by its WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses if any). For example, a row removed because it does not meet the WHERE condition is not seen by any window function.

1.2. Other examples and Row Number and Order By (inside Over Clause)

select e.*, row_number() over() as rn
from employee e
-- gives each record a unique identifier; to use it, we can pass the query as a subquery
select e.*, row_number() over( partition by dept_name ) over() as rn
from employee e
-- gives each record per department an identifier

Note that You can also control the order in which rows are processed by window functions using ORDER BY within OVER. (The window ORDER BY does not even have to match the order in which the rows are returned). For example:

SELECT depname, empno, salary, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY depname ORDER BY salary DESC)
FROM empsalary

From our previous example

select e.*, row_number() over(partition by dept_name order by emp_id) as rn
from employee e
-- We make the assumption that emp_id reflects when the employee joined the company

We use this query as a subquery to fetch the first 2 employees from each department to join the company

select *
  (select e.*, row_number() over(partition by dept_name order by emp_id) as rn from employee e) sq
where sq.rn < 3

1.3. Window Functions: Rank, Dense Rank

select e.*, rank() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as rnk
from employee e

We use this subquery to determine the employees with the top 3 salaries per department

select *
from (select e.*, rank() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as rnk
from employee e) sq
where sq.rnk < 4
select e.*, rank() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as rnk, dense_rank() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as dense_rnk
from employee e


select e.*, rank() over w as rnk, dense_rank() over w as dense_rnk
from employee e
window w as (partition by dept_name order by salary desc)

Note that when a query involves multiple window functions, it is possible to write out each one with a separate OVER clause, but this is duplicative and error-prone if the same windowing behavior is wanted for several functions. Instead, each windowing behavior can be named in a WINDOW clause and then referenced in OVER. For example:

SELECT sum(salary) OVER w, avg(salary) OVER w
  FROM empsalary

1.4. Window Functions: Lead and Lag

Task: Fetch a query to display if the salary of an employee is higher, lower or equal to the previous employee. Preparation:

select e.*, lag(salary) over (partition by dept_name order by emp_id) as prev_emp_salary
from employee e

We can pass some other arguments with the lag function (see Documentation).

select e.*, lag(salary,2,0) over (partition by dept_name order by emp_id) as prev_emp_salary
from employee e

Lead gives us the rows that are following the current row.

select e.*, lead(salary) over (partition by dept_name order by emp_id) as next_emp_salary
from employee e


  lag(salary) over w as prev_emp_salary,
    when e.salary > lag(salary) over w then 'Higher than previous employee'
    when e.salary < lag(salary) over w then 'Lower than previous employee'
    when e.salary = lag(salary) over w then 'Same as previous employee'
  end sal_range
from employee e
window w as (partition by dept_name order by emp_id)

Another example from our database:

    p.amount as current_amount,
    lag(amount) over w as prev_amount,
        when amount > lag(amount) over w then 'Higher than previous amount'
        when amount < lag(amount) over w then 'Lower than previous amount'
        when lag(amount) over w is null then 'No info'
        else 'The same as previous amount'
    end as amount_range
    payment p window w as (
        partition by customer_id
        order by

2. SQL Window Function Part 2

2.1. First and Last Value

From SQL Window Function Part 2. Documentation on Window Functions. Task: Write a query to display the most expensive product under each category (corresponding ot each record).

select p.*, first_value(product_name) over(partition by product_category order by price desc) as most_exp_per_category
from product p

Task: Write a query to display the least expensive product under each category (corresponding to each record)

select *, last_value(product_name) over(partition by product_category order by price desc) as least_exp_product
from product

This delivers the wrong result! The reason is the default frame clause.

Note: Ideally we would use the rank() window function to accomplish this task. For example:

with rk as 
	payment_id, customer_id, amount, 
	rank() over (partition by customer_id order by amount asc) from payment

select * 
from rk
where rank = 1
order by customer_id

2.2. Frame Clause

Note that first_value, last_value, and nth_value consider only the rows within the "window frame", which by default contains the rows from the start of the partition through the last peer of the current row. This is likely to give unhelpful results for last_value and sometimes also nth_value. You can redefine the frame by adding a suitable frame specification (RANGE or ROWS) to the OVER clause. See Section 4.2.8 for more information about frame specifications. The default frame clause is:

  last_value(product_name) over(
    partition by product_category
    order by price desc
    range between unbounded preceding and current row
from product p

To use the last_value window function, we need to adjust the frame clause:

  last_value(product_name) over(
    partition by product_category
    order by price desc
    range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following
from product p

An alternative frame is the following:

To use the last_value window function, we need to adjust the frame clause:

  last_value(product_name) over(
    partition by product_category
    order by price desc
    rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following
from product p

This alternative becomes relevant when we have duplicates. rows considers the exact current row while range considers the last row of all duplicate values. range allows the current row to see ahead of itself into the last row with a duplicate value. We can also specify the number of rows:

  last_value(product_name) over(
    partition by product_category
    order by price desc
    rows between 2 preceding and 2 following
from product p

An example from our database:

-- fetch lowest amount per customer
-- default frame: range between unbounded preceding and current row
	-- first_value(payment_id) over(partition by customer_id order by amount desc) as highest_payment,
	last_value(amount) over(
		partition by customer_id
		order by amount desc
		range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following
	) as lowest_payment
from payment p
-- order by amount

2.3. Windows Clause

  first_value(product_name) over w as most_exp_product,
  last_value(product_name) over w as least_exp_product
from product
window w as (partition by product_category order by price desc range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following)
-- order by

2.4. N-th Value

Fetch a value from any particular position. Task: Write a query to display the second most expensive product under each category. Note that dense_rank() is a better option here.

  nth_value(product_name, 2) over(partition by product_category order by price desc) as second_most_expensive
from product

If the number of records is less that the parameter, the nth_value function will return null. This query won't display correctly for the first record (see frame clause above). We can fix this:

  nth_value(product_name, 2) over w as second_most_expensive
from product
window w as (partition by product_category order by price desc range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following)

2.5. Ntile

Task: Write a query to segregate all the expensive phones, mid range and the cheaper phones.

with phone_bucket as (
    ntile(3) over (order by price desc) as bucket
  from product
  where product_category = 'Phone'

    when bucket = 1 then 'Expensive Phone'
    when bucket = 2 then 'Mid Phone'
    when bucket = 3 then 'Cheaper Phone'
from phone_bucket

2.6. Cumulative Distribution Cume_Dist

cume_dist = sum (# of rows with the same value as the current row / # of rows)

Task: Write a query to fetch all products which are constituting the first 30% of the data in products table based on price -> write a query to fetch the top 30% products based on price.

  cume_dist() over (order by price desc) as cume_dist_by_price
from product
-- cast cume_dist() to numeric to use round function

We can clean up the table:

  round(cume_dist() over (order by price desc)::numeric*100,2) as cume_dist_by_price
from product
-- cast cume_dist() to numeric to use round function

We can then use this query as a subquery and filter our data:

with cume_dist_t as (
    round(cume_dist() over (order by price desc)::numeric*100,2) as cume_dist_by_price
from product

select product_name, (cume_dist_by_price || '%') as cume_dist_pct
from cume_dist_t
where cume_dist_by_price <= 30

2.7. Percent Rank

Similar to cume_list. Relative rank of the current row. percent_rank = (# of current row - 1) / (# of rows -1)

Task: Write a query to identify how much percentage more expensive is the phone "Galaxy Z Fold 3" when compared to all products

  round(percent_rank() over(order by price)::numeric*100,2) as pct_rank
from product

We use this as our subquery:

with pct_rank as (
  round(percent_rank() over(order by price)::numeric*100,2) as pct_rank
  from product

select product_name, pct_rank
from pct_rank
where product_name = 'Galaxy Z Fold 3'

3. SQL With Clause and CTE (Common Table Expression) or Sub-Query Factoring

From SQL WITH Clause.

Task: Find employees with a salary higher than the average.

with average_salary as (
  select avg(salary)::int
  from employee

select *
from employee, average_salary
where salary > average_salary

Task: Find stores with sales higher than the average across all stores.

-- find sales per store
select store_id, sum(cost) as sales_per_store
from sales
group by store_id

-- compute average revenue across all stores
select round(avg(sales_per_store)::numeric, 2) as avg_sales
from (
  select store_id, sum(cost) as sales_per_store
  from sales
  group by store_id

-- filter by the comparisson average revenue < store revenue
select *
from (
  select store_id, sum(cost) as sales_per_store
  from sales
  group by store_id
) sales_per_store
join (
  select round(avg(sales_per_store)::numeric, 2) as avg_sales
  from (
    select store_id, sum(cost) as sales_per_store
    from sales
    group by store_id
  ) sales_per_store
) avg_sales
on sales_per_store.sales_per_store > avg_sales.avg_sales

This query becomes:

with sales_per_store (store_id, sales_per_store) as (
  select store_id, sum(cost) as sales_per_store
  from sales
  group by store_id
), avg_sales (avg_sales) as (
  select round(avg(sales_per_store)::numeric, 2) as avg_sales
  from sales_per_store

select *
where sales_per_store > avg_sales

Example from our database:

with revenue (customer_id, revenue) as (
  select customer_id, rental_id * amount as revenue
  from payment
), revenue_per_store (customer_id, revenue_per_store) as (
  select customer_id, sum(revenue) as revenue_per_store
  from revenue
  group by customer_id
  order by customer_id
), avg_revenue (avg_revenue) as (
  select round(avg(revenue_per_store) :: numeric, 2) as avg_revenue
  from revenue_per_store

select customer_id, revenue_per_store
from revenue_per_store, avg_revenue
where revenue_per_store > avg_revenue

4. Practice Complex SQL Queries

From Practice Complex SQL Queries.

4.1. Exercise 1

-- Query 1:
 -- Write a SQL query to fetch all the duplicate records from a table.
 --Tables Structure:

create table users (user_id int primary key, user_name varchar(30) not null, email varchar(50));

insert into users
values (1, 'Sumit', ''),
       (2, 'Reshma', ''),
       (3, 'Farhana', ''),
       (4, 'Robin', ''),
       (5, 'Robin', ''),
       (4, 'Robin', '');

select *
from users;


select max(user_id), user_name, email
from users
group by user_name, email
having count(user_name) > 1 and count(email) > 1

Solution from video: Use a window function with row_number().

with rn_dups as (
  select *, row_number() over(partition by user_name, email order by user_id) as rn
  from users
  order by user_id

select user_name, email, max(rn) as nr_of_dups
from rn_dups
where rn > 1
group by user_name, email

4.2. Exercise 2

-- Query 2:
-- Write a SQL query to fetch the second record from a employee table.

--Tables Structure:
-- drop table employee;
create table employee
( emp_ID int primary key
, emp_NAME varchar(50) not null
, DEPT_NAME varchar(50)
, SALARY int);

insert into employee values(101, 'Mohan', 'Admin', 4000);
insert into employee values(102, 'Rajkumar', 'HR', 3000);
insert into employee values(103, 'Akbar', 'IT', 4000);
insert into employee values(104, 'Dorvin', 'Finance', 6500);
insert into employee values(105, 'Rohit', 'HR', 3000);
insert into employee values(106, 'Rajesh',  'Finance', 5000);
insert into employee values(107, 'Preet', 'HR', 7000);
insert into employee values(108, 'Maryam', 'Admin', 4000);
insert into employee values(109, 'Sanjay', 'IT', 6500);
insert into employee values(110, 'Vasudha', 'IT', 7000);
insert into employee values(111, 'Melinda', 'IT', 8000);
insert into employee values(112, 'Komal', 'IT', 10000);
insert into employee values(113, 'Gautham', 'Admin', 2000);
insert into employee values(114, 'Manisha', 'HR', 3000);
insert into employee values(115, 'Chandni', 'IT', 4500);
insert into employee values(116, 'Satya', 'Finance', 6500);
insert into employee values(117, 'Adarsh', 'HR', 3500);
insert into employee values(118, 'Tejaswi', 'Finance', 5500);
insert into employee values(119, 'Cory', 'HR', 8000);
insert into employee values(120, 'Monica', 'Admin', 5000);
insert into employee values(121, 'Rosalin', 'IT', 6000);
insert into employee values(122, 'Ibrahim', 'IT', 8000);
insert into employee values(123, 'Vikram', 'IT', 8000);
insert into employee values(124, 'Dheeraj', 'IT', 11000);

select * from employee;


with rn as (
	select *, row_number() over(order by emp_id) as rn
	from employee

select *
from rn
where rn = 2

4.3. Exercise 3

-- Query 3:

-- Write a SQL query to display only the details of employees who either earn the highest salary or the lowest salary in each department from the employee table.

--Tables Structure:

drop table employee;
create table employee
( emp_ID int primary key
, emp_NAME varchar(50) not null
, DEPT_NAME varchar(50)
, SALARY int);

insert into employee values(101, 'Mohan', 'Admin', 4000);
insert into employee values(102, 'Rajkumar', 'HR', 3000);
insert into employee values(103, 'Akbar', 'IT', 4000);
insert into employee values(104, 'Dorvin', 'Finance', 6500);
insert into employee values(105, 'Rohit', 'HR', 3000);
insert into employee values(106, 'Rajesh',  'Finance', 5000);
insert into employee values(107, 'Preet', 'HR', 7000);
insert into employee values(108, 'Maryam', 'Admin', 4000);
insert into employee values(109, 'Sanjay', 'IT', 6500);
insert into employee values(110, 'Vasudha', 'IT', 7000);
insert into employee values(111, 'Melinda', 'IT', 8000);
insert into employee values(112, 'Komal', 'IT', 10000);
insert into employee values(113, 'Gautham', 'Admin', 2000);
insert into employee values(114, 'Manisha', 'HR', 3000);
insert into employee values(115, 'Chandni', 'IT', 4500);
insert into employee values(116, 'Satya', 'Finance', 6500);
insert into employee values(117, 'Adarsh', 'HR', 3500);
insert into employee values(118, 'Tejaswi', 'Finance', 5500);
insert into employee values(119, 'Cory', 'HR', 8000);
insert into employee values(120, 'Monica', 'Admin', 5000);
insert into employee values(121, 'Rosalin', 'IT', 6000);
insert into employee values(122, 'Ibrahim', 'IT', 8000);
insert into employee values(123, 'Vikram', 'IT', 8000);
insert into employee values(124, 'Dheeraj', 'IT', 11000);

select * from employee;


with max_salary as (
	select dept_name, max(salary)
	from employee
	group by dept_name
), min_salary as (
	select dept_name, min(salary)
	from employee
	group by dept_name

	e.emp_id, e.emp_name, e.dept_name, e.salary,
		when e.salary = mas.max then 'Highest Salary'
		else 'Lowest Salary'
	end as description
from employee e, max_salary mas, min_salary mis
	e.dept_name = mas.dept_name and e.salary = mas.max or
	e.dept_name = mis.dept_name and e.salary = mis.min
order by e.dept_name, salary desc

Alternative with categorical column and delta:

with lh as 
	rank() over(partition by dept_name order by salary asc) as ls, 
	rank() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as hs
from employee)

		when ls = 1 then 'Lowest Salary in Dept'
		else 'Highest Salary in Dept'
	end as low_high, 
	first_value(salary) over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) - 
	first_value(salary) over(partition by dept_name order by salary asc)
	as delta
from lh
where ls = 1 or hs = 1 

4.4. Exercise 4

-- Query 4:

-- From the doctors table, fetch the details of doctors who work in the same hospital but in different speciality.

--Table Structure:

-- drop table doctors;
create table doctors
id int primary key,
name varchar(50) not null,
speciality varchar(100),
hospital varchar(50),
city varchar(50),
consultation_fee int

insert into doctors values
(1, 'Dr. Shashank', 'Ayurveda', 'Apollo Hospital', 'Bangalore', 2500),
(2, 'Dr. Abdul', 'Homeopathy', 'Fortis Hospital', 'Bangalore', 2000),
(3, 'Dr. Shwetha', 'Homeopathy', 'KMC Hospital', 'Manipal', 1000),
(4, 'Dr. Murphy', 'Dermatology', 'KMC Hospital', 'Manipal', 1500),
(5, 'Dr. Farhana', 'Physician', 'Gleneagles Hospital', 'Bangalore', 1700),
(6, 'Dr. Maryam', 'Physician', 'Gleneagles Hospital', 'Bangalore', 1500);


select l.* 
from doctors l join doctors r on = and
	l.speciality != r.speciality

4.5. Exercise 5

-- Query 5:

-- From the login_details table, fetch the users who logged in consecutively 3 or more times.

--Table Structure:

-- drop table if exists login_details;
create table login_details(
login_id int primary key,
user_name varchar(50) not null,
login_date date);

delete from login_details;
insert into login_details values
(101, 'Michael', current_date),
(102, 'James', current_date),
(103, 'Stewart', current_date+1),
(104, 'Stewart', current_date+1),
(105, 'Stewart', current_date+1),
(106, 'Jimmy', current_date+2),
(107, 'Michael', current_date+2),
(108, 'Stewart', current_date+3),
(109, 'Stewart', current_date+3),
(110, 'James', current_date+4),
(111, 'James', current_date+4),
(112, 'James', current_date+5),
(113, 'James', current_date+6);


with l as (
	select *, lag(user_name) over w as prev_user1, lag(user_name,2) over w as prev_user2
	from login_details
	window w as (order by login_date, login_id)

select *
from l
where user_name = prev_user1 and prev_user1 = prev_user2

Alternative solution:

with rep as (
			when lag(user_name) over (order by login_date) = user_name then 'repeat'
			else 'not repeat'
		end as rep
	from login_details
), cume_rep as (
			when rep = 'repeat' and lag(rep) over (order by login_date) = rep then 1
			else 0
		end as cume_rep
	from rep

select *
from cume_rep
where cume_rep = 1

Better alternative solution. This solution also counts the number of consecutive logins by the user.

with rep as (
			when lag(user_name) over(order by login_date) = user_name then 1
			else 0
		end as rep
	from login_details
), island_head as (
				rep = 0 and lead(rep) over(order by login_date) = 1 then login_id
		end as island_head
	from rep
), island_id as(
			when rep = 1 then max(island_head) over(order by login_date)
			when rep = 0 then island_head
		end as island_id
	from island_head

	count(island_id) over(partition by island_id order by login_date rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following)
from island_id
order by login_date, island_head

To make the result set more compact:

with rep as (
			when lag(user_name) over(order by login_date) = user_name then 1
			else 0
		end as rep
	from login_details
), island_head as (
				rep = 0 and lead(rep) over(order by login_date) = 1 then login_id
		end as island_head
	from rep
), island_id as(
			when rep = 1 then max(island_head) over(order by login_date)
			when rep = 0 then island_head
		end as island_id
	from island_head
), island as(
		count(island_id) over(partition by island_id order by login_date rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as consecutive_logins
	from island_id

select  island_id, consecutive_logins, user_name
from island
where consecutive_logins != 0
group by island_id, consecutive_logins, user_name
order by island_id

4.6. Exercise 6

-- Query 6:
-- From the students table, write a SQL query to interchange the adjacent student names.
-- Note: If there are no adjacent student then the student name should stay the same.
--Table Structure:

-- drop table if exists students;
create table students
id int primary key,
student_name varchar(50) not null
insert into students values
(1, 'James'),
(2, 'Michael'),
(3, 'George'),
(4, 'Stewart'),
(5, 'Robin');

-- select * from students;


		when id % 2 = 1 then lead(student_name,1,student_name) over()
		when id % 2 = 0 then lag(student_name,1,student_name) over()
	end as new_student_name
from students

4.7. Exercise 7

-- Query 7:
-- From the weather table, fetch all the records when London had extremely cold temperature for 3 consecutive days or more.
-- Note: Weather is considered to be extremely cold then its temperature is less than zero.

--Table Structure:
-- drop table if exists weather;
create table weather
id int,
city varchar(50),
temperature int,
day date
delete from weather;
insert into weather values
(1, 'London', -1, to_date('2021-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')),
(2, 'London', -2, to_date('2021-01-02','yyyy-mm-dd')),
(3, 'London', 4, to_date('2021-01-03','yyyy-mm-dd')),
(4, 'London', 1, to_date('2021-01-04','yyyy-mm-dd')),
(5, 'London', -2, to_date('2021-01-05','yyyy-mm-dd')),
(6, 'London', -5, to_date('2021-01-06','yyyy-mm-dd')),
(7, 'London', -7, to_date('2021-01-07','yyyy-mm-dd')),
(8, 'London', 5, to_date('2021-01-08','yyyy-mm-dd'));

-- select * from weather;


streak as (
		when temperature < 0 and lag(temperature) over (order by id) >= 0 then id
		when temperature < 0 then 1 --handles the last record
	end as streak
from weather),
island_id as (
			when streak is not null then max(streak) over(order by id)
		end as island_id
		from streak),
island_size as (
		count(island_id) over(partition by island_id order by id rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as island_size
	from island_id

select id, city, temperature, day, island_size
from island_size
where island_size >= 3
order by id

4.8. Exercise 9

We skipped exercise 9 because the task was not clear.

-- Query 9:
-- Find the top 2 accounts with the maximum number of unique patients on a monthly basis.
-- Note: Prefer the account if with the least value in case of same number of unique patients

--Table Structure:

-- drop table if exists patient_logs;
create table patient_logs
  account_id int,
  date date,
  patient_id int

insert into patient_logs values (1, to_date('02-01-2020','dd-mm-yyyy'), 100);
insert into patient_logs values (1, to_date('27-01-2020','dd-mm-yyyy'), 200);
insert into patient_logs values (2, to_date('01-01-2020','dd-mm-yyyy'), 300);
insert into patient_logs values (2, to_date('21-01-2020','dd-mm-yyyy'), 400);
insert into patient_logs values (2, to_date('21-01-2020','dd-mm-yyyy'), 300);
insert into patient_logs values (2, to_date('01-01-2020','dd-mm-yyyy'), 500);
insert into patient_logs values (3, to_date('20-01-2020','dd-mm-yyyy'), 400);
insert into patient_logs values (1, to_date('04-03-2020','dd-mm-yyyy'), 500);
insert into patient_logs values (3, to_date('20-01-2020','dd-mm-yyyy'), 450);

select * from patient_logs;


with dp as
  (select distinct to_char(date, 'month') as month,
   from patient_logs
   order by month),
     c as
  (select month,
          count(account_id) as c
   from dp
   group by month, account_id),
     r as
  (select *,
          rank() over(partition by month order by c desc, account_id) as rnk
   from c)
select *
from r
where rnk < 3
order by month, rnk

5. Misc Notes

  • SQL Cheat Sheet:
    • limit n offset m: skip m row and return the next n rows.
  • Use column names create_date (date) and last_update (timestamp without timezone).
  • A database is a collection of tables. Tables contain rows and columns, where the rows are known as records and the columns are known as fields. A column is a set of data values of a particular type, one value for each row of the database. A row represents a single data item in a table, and every row in the table has the same structure.
  • Single vs Double Quotes: Double quotes are for names of tables or fields. Sometimes You can omit them. The single quotes are for string constants. This is the SQL standard. In the verbose form, your query looks like this:
select * from "table1" where "column1"='name1';
SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables
WHERE schemaname != 'pg_catalog' AND
      schemaname != 'information_schema';

5.1. Misc Notes from Revision

  • not keyword appears before the condition
  • order by-columns also appears in select-column
  • if we group by -> select-columns appear in:
    • group by-statement OR
    • are in an aggregate function
  • column in select -> column in group by
  • aggregate function appear in:
    • select OR
    • having

5.2. General Syntax:

	count distinct
	is null
	in ()
	between x and y 
group by 
order by 

6. Solutions to Codility Exercise

select distinct(event_type), nth_value(delta, 1) over(partition by event_type) as value
	(select e.*, lag(value) over( partition by event_type order by time desc) - value as delta
	from events e
	order by event_type) delta
where delta is not null
order by event_type

Alternative (since we remove the null values with the where clause and parameter of nth_value is 1):

select distinct(event_type), first_value(delta) over(partition by event_type) as value
	(select e.*, lag(value) over( partition by event_type order by time desc) - value as delta
	from events e
	order by event_type) delta
where delta is not null
order by event_type

Alternative with with as syntactic convenience to make the query more readable.

with delta as (
  select e.*, lag(value) over( partition by event_type order by time desc) - value as delta
  from events e
	order by event_type

select distinct(event_type), first_value(delta) over(partition by event_type) as value
from delta
where delta is not null
order by event_type


Collection of advanced PostgreSQL queries for reference



