Upgraded 🚚 Retouren App with Sequelize migration and seeding to improve reproducibility. Prerequisites to run the app:
- PostgreSQL: install PostgresSQL and create a database.
- Node.js: install node.js.
Unlisted Youtube video: 🚚 Retoure App Demo.
Run the following commands in the shell to set up the project. Start by setting up node.js and Sequelize to migrate and seed the schema and data:
npm init -y;
npm install --save sequelize;
npm install --save pg pg-hstore;
npm install --save-dev sequelize-cli;
npx sequelize-cli init
Set up the config.json
file in the config
folder with credentials for Sequelize. Add file to .gitignore
. Make model and migrate to PostgreSQL by running the following commands in the shell (after updating scripts
in package.json
npm run make-model;
npm run migrate
Make PostgreSQL trigger function to populate tour
and tour_zeit
by running the following create or replace function
statement in the pgAdmin Query Tool or psql:
create or replace function add_tour()
returns trigger as
if new.tour_bez = 'NRW 1' then
new.tour:='{"00000", "00001", "00002", "00003"}';
new.tour_zeit:='{"6:00 - 8:00", "9:00 - 11:00", "12:00 - 14:00", "15:00 - 17:00"}';
elsif new.tour_bez = 'NRW 2' then
new.tour:='{"00003", "00002", "00001", "00000"}';
new.tour_zeit:='{"6:00 - 8:00", "9:00 - 11:00", "12:00 - 14:00", "15:00 - 17:00"}';
end if;
return new;
language plpgsql
Make PostgreSQL trigger by running the following create trigger
statement in the Query Tool or psql:
create trigger add_tour_i
before insert on "Transports"
for each row
execute procedure add_tour()
create trigger add_tour_u
before update on "Transports"
for each row
execute procedure add_tour()
Run seed and populate the database by running the following command in the shell:
npm run seed
After populating the database add the pickup, add, and return triggers with the following create or replace function
and create trigger
statements in pgAdmin or psql:
create or replace function pickup_task()
returns trigger as
if new.transport_status = 'abgeholt 📭' then
new.fach_status:='frei 📥';
end if;
return new;
language plpgsql
create trigger pickup_task
before update on "Transports"
for each row
execute procedure pickup_task()
create or replace function add_task()
returns trigger as
if new.transport_status = 'abholbereit 📬' then
new.fach_status:='belegt 🔒';
end if;
return new;
language plpgsql
create trigger add_task
before update on "Transports"
for each row
execute procedure add_task()
create or replace function return_task()
returns trigger as
if new.transport_status = 'retouniert 📦' then
new.fach_status:='belegt 🔒';
end if;
return new;
language plpgsql
create trigger return_task
before update on "Transports"
for each row
execute procedure return_task()
create or replace function reserve_task()
returns trigger as
if new.transport_status = 'Retoure begonnen 🚚' then
new.fach_status:='reserviert 🔐';
end if;
return new;
language plpgsql
create trigger reserve_task
before update on "Transports"
for each row
execute procedure reserve_task()
The model table for the project would be equivalent to the following PostgreSQL view:
create or replace view "Transports" as
select id, tranport_status, paket_id, paket_bez, fach_bez, fach_status, zbs_bez, tour_bez, tour, tour_zeit, emp_name, abd_name, abd_plz, versuch, "alter", "createdAt", "updatedAt"
from tour, zbs, fach, paket, paket_transport, emp, abd, ort
where tour.tour_id = zbs.tour_id, zbs.fach_id = fach.fach_id, zbs.paket_id = paket.paket_id, paket.paket_id = paket_transport.paket_id, fach.fach_id = paket_transport.fach_id, paket_transport.emp_id = emp.emp_id, paket_transport.abd_id = abd.abd_id, emp.plz = ort.plz, abd.plz = ort.plz
The most important tables for the project as views are:
create or replace view auftrag as
select id, transport_status, paket_id, paket_bez, emp_name, emp_plz, abd_name ,abd_plz, versuch , "alter"
from "Transports"
create or replace view fach as
select id, fach_bez, fach_status, zbs_bez, tour_bez, tour, tour_zeit
from "Transports"
create view auftrag_fach as
select *
from "Transports"
Note that to simplify the data model and model objects of our project we opted out of using multiple tables in the database, creating this view and working with it.
Install other dependencies for the project:
npm install express dotenv;
npm install --D nodemon @handlebars/allow-prototype-access express-handlebars handlebars
Finally, run the following command in the shell to start the server and open localhost:5000 in the browser:
npm run dev
Example of an instance of the Transport
model returned from the database:
Transport {
dataValues: {
id: 1,
transport_status: 'abgeholt 📭',
paket_id: 1,
paket_bez: 'Laptop',
fach_bez: 'Fach 1',
fach_status: 'frei 📥',
zbs_bez: 'ZBS 1',
tour_bez: 'NRW 1',
tour: [Array],
tour_zeit: [Array],
emp_name: 'Alice',
emp_plz: '00001',
abd_name: 'Bob',
abd_plz: '00001',
abholversuch: 0,
alter: 0,
createdAt: 2021-07-17T21:53:34.805Z,
updatedAt: 2021-07-17T21:53:34.805Z
_previousDataValues: {
id: 1,
transport_status: 'abgeholt 📭',
paket_id: 1,
paket_bez: 'Laptop',
fach_bez: 'Fach 1',
fach_status: 'frei 📥',
zbs_bez: 'ZBS 1',
tour_bez: 'NRW 1',
tour: [Array],
tour_zeit: [Array],
emp_name: 'Alice',
emp_plz: '00001',
abd_name: 'Bob',
abd_plz: '00001',
abholversuch: 0,
alter: 0,
createdAt: 2021-07-17T21:53:34.805Z,
updatedAt: 2021-07-17T21:53:34.805Z
_changed: Set {},
_options: {
isNewRecord: false,
_schema: null,
_schemaDelimiter: '',
raw: true,
attributes: [Array]
isNewRecord: false
Passing the raw = true
parameter to the query will return an array containing a JSON instead of a model instance and its metadata:
id: 1,
transport_status: 'abgeholt 📭',
paket_id: 1,
paket_bez: 'Laptop',
fach_bez: 'Fach 1',
fach_status: 'frei 📥',
zbs_bez: 'ZBS 1',
tour_bez: 'NRW 1',
tour: [ '00000', '00001', '00002', '00000' ],
tour_zeit: [ '6:00 - 8:00', '9:00 - 11:00', '12:00 - 14:00', '15:00 - 17:00' ],
emp_name: 'Alice',
emp_plz: '00001',
abd_name: 'Bob',
abd_plz: '00001',
abholversuch: 0,
alter: 0,
createdAt: 2021-07-17T21:53:34.805Z,
updatedAt: 2021-07-17T21:53:34.805Z