Group Members: Victoria Jordan Serhat Oncu Harpaz Aviv Luka Brown
About the program: The project we made is a simulator to the use of directed acyclic graph in voting system. The program creates random votes which are added to the directed acyclic graph and are getting validates by 2 other nodes(votes) that already exist in the graph. The program contains a class that holds the directed acyclic graph and all the nodes that are being added. The class contains a function that checks the validity of the votes, by checking whether the ID of the voter is already in the system of votes. The ID is calculated to be a specfic int derived from the vote data inside the node. Every new vote is added to the list of votes and its following appearances are counted. A vote with a voter ID that is already exists in the votes list, will be considered invalid and will be considered invalid by the other nodes. The votes are created randomly by the function get_vote_data() and are stores in the class Vertex, which defines each vertex with the vote info, weight and cumulative weight.
The program outputs the results of the elections from the generated votes: The winning party and winning candidate, as well as the valid votes counted to each party. The program then outputs the malicious nodes that were detected from the run, along with the malicious info that caused it's invalidation.
How to run:
to clone the code, in the git terminal execute the command:
git clone
then, cd into the target directory you input, compile and run the code. (.py file) Parameters: Line 143 in the code determines the number of votes that are being generated. Currently the program is set to simulate 250 votes.