Socket Programming in Python
Project 1: Countdown Protocol
Implemented a basic UDP-based client and server that run the following countdown protocol.
- Client
Send integer X to server.
Print “SENT “ + X.
while True:
Receive message from server
containing integer X.
Print “RECEIVED “ + X.
if X > 0:
Send integer X - 1 to server.
Print “SENT “ + X.
- Server
while True:
Receive message from client
containing integer X.
Print “RECEIVED “ + X.
if X > 0:
Send integer X - 1 to client.
Print “SENT “ + X.
Project 2: Simplified Web Server
listens to a TCP port
GET requests return 200 + the data for all existing files in tree
GET requests return 301 for all paths specified as redirects in redirects.defs and actually redirects the web client
GET requests return 404 for all non-existent paths and www/redirect.defs
HEAD requests return 200 (but no data) for all existing files
HEAD requests return 301, 404 for all paths in exactly the same way as for GET requests above
Any other unknown method returns a 405
Any malformed request returns a 400
Server can handle multiple requests in succession without restarting (loops around and accepts the connection again
Server either spawns new thread, forks new process, or asynchronously handles web requests