A Python 3 pip package that wraps eBay’s REST APIs.
Use the package manager pip to install ebay_rest.
pip install ebay_rest # Use pip3 if your computer also has Python 2 installed.
If you are one of the few people who want ebay_rest to get user tokens, do the following.
Install Chrome.
pip install selenium # Use pip3 if your computer also has Python 2 installed.
Install Webdriver, aka Chromedriver, for your version of Chrome .
Here is a method for installing Webdriver/Chromedriver on macOS and tweaking security to permit it.
Install HomeBrew
brew install chromedriver
cd /usr/local/Caskroom/chromedriver
cd to the subdirectory that matches your Chrome version, e.g., 91.0.4472.101
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine chromedriver
Follow the instructions here.
from ebay_rest import API, DateTime, Error, Reference
print(f"eBay's official date and time is {DateTime.to_string(DateTime.now())}.\n")
print("All valid eBay global id values, also known as site ids.")
print(Reference.get_global_id_values(), '\n')
api = API(application='production_1', user='production_1', header='US')
except Error as error:
print(f'Error {error.number} is {error.reason} {error.detail}.\n')
print("The five least expensive iPhone things now for sale on-eBay:")
for record in api.buy_browse_search(q='iPhone', sort='price', limit=5):
if 'record' not in record:
pass # TODO Refer to non-records, they contain optimization information.
item = record['record']
print(f"item id: {item['item_id']} {item['item_web_url']}")
except Error as error:
print(f'Error {error.number} is {error.reason} {error.detail}.\n')
print("\nClass documentation:")
print(help(API)) # Over a hundred methods are available!
Question: How are API results organized?
- Elemental information is stored in dates, integers, strings and other basic built-in types.
- Dictionaries contain related elements.
- Lists contain information organized repetitively; expect zero or more contents.
- Dicts and Lists may be nested.
- eBay classifies data as optional or mandatory. Optional elements, dicts or lists are omitted. Manditories have a None value.
Q: How are paged calls/results handled?
A: A simple generator is implemented.
- To be clear, "Paging" is eBay's term for repeating a call while advancing a record offset to get all records.
- eBay documentation has the word "Page" in the return type of paging calls.
- Do NOT supply a record "offset" parameter when making a paging call.
- The "limit" parameter is repurposed to control how many records from the entire set you want.
- To get all possible records, don't supply a limit.
- eBay imposes a hard limit on some calls, typically 10,000 records. Use filters to help keep below the limit. Use try-except to handle going over.
- Avoid exhausting memory by making the call within a "for" loop.
Q: What should I do when the browser pop-up happens?
A: Watch and be ready to act.
- At the beginning, you may see a captcha; you need to complete it within 30-seconds.
- Near the end, you may see a 2FA (two-factor authentication) prompt; you need to complete it within 30-seconds.
- Otherwise, be patient, give the whole thing up to 2-minutes to complete, the pop-up will close automatically.
Q: Can the browser pop-up be stopped?
A: Reusing the result of the browser pop-up is possible. After running your program, check your terminal/console or info level logger.
Headless operation is in the works; contributions are welcome.
Q: Why is eBay giving an "Internal Error" or "Internal Server Error"?
A: Rapidly repeating an API call with the same parameter values can trigger this.
Q: Parallelism, is it safe to do treading or multiprocessing?
A: Yes, for treading. Multiprocessing is unknown, help wanted.
Q: How to optimize API calls?
A: Prioritized, do the first things first.
- Cache results to avoid repeating calls with identical parameter values.
- Some calls have filtering options; omit unneeded data.
- When the call returns a list, make the call in a "for" loop.
- Use threading to make calls in parallel but don't exhaust RAM.
- Use multiprocessing. -- Multiprocessing support is a goal. -- A safe workaround is to concurrently run copies of your program and divide the work among each.
- Reuse the API object.
- Switch to a faster internet connection.
- Switch to computer with faster cores.
Q: How to get data from a response header?
A: It is not currently possible; it is an open issue. Workarounds:
- In some cases, another call can get the information; a demonstration is in the unit tests, search for test_sell_feed_create_inventory_task and task_id_new.
- You could fork this library, and hack the call you need, so that it returns that needed data.
- You could write code from scratch to make the RestFul call.
Q: How to upload a file?
A: It is not currently possible; it is an open issue. Workarounds:
- In some cases, another call can be made for each record instead of doing a bulk upload.
- You could fork this library, and hack the call you need, to force-feed it to your file location.
- You could write code from scratch to make the RestFul call.
- Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Note the error number guide documented in the Error class definition.
- Please make sure to update unit tests as appropriate.
- Release Steps
- in the root directory of the project, run CLI commands
- brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup
- python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
- python3 -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements_dev.txt
- pipreqs --print src
- edit the setup.cfg file
- update the section install_requires per the output from pipregs
- advance the version number
- repeat until error-free
- run /ebay_rest/scripts/generate_code.py
- run /test/ebay_rest.py
- resolve any errors but don't directly edit the code generated by generate_code.py
- in the root directory of the project, run CLI commands
- python3 -m build
- python3 -m twine upload dist/*0.0.XX*
- in place of 0.0.xx put the new version number
- username: __token__
- password: your token
- in the root directory of the project, run CLI commands
- MIT licence.
- "Python" is a trademark of the Python Software Foundation.
- "eBay" is a trademark of eBay Inc.
- Official endorsement by eBay Inc is not claimed or implied.
- The origin of the oath code is eBay Oauth Python Client.