libudis86 Lua bindings. Compatible with Lua 5.1, 5.2 and LuaJIT. It was developed as a part of the mmbbq project, the Lua code injection framework.
- github page:
- udis86 project:
- project page:
We use same license as udis86: FreeBSD
make all
# Build lib and doc
make doc
# Just build the docs
make test
# run 'test.lua'
-- init udis to a specific address
local ludis86 = require("ludis86")
ud = ludis86.init_addr_intel32(0x401000) -- your address here :D
-- disassemble and print instructions
while ud:dis() > 0 do
print(string.format("+%04X %016s %016s", ud:off(), ud:hex(), ud:asm()))