In this library I want to write a basic library for neural network. I choose Visual Basic because of simplicity. But I'm going to port it to C++ in the feature. the first class that I implemented is Perceptron. In the next days I want to add other class for multi layer Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm for training it.
This class implemented Perceptron.
Sample Code:
Dim db As New List(Of PerceptronData)
Dim pr1 As New PerceptronData(0, 0, 0) ' add and oprator as a test data for our Perceptron
Dim pr2 As New PerceptronData(0, 0, 1)
Dim pr3 As New PerceptronData(0, 1, 0)
Dim pr4 As New PerceptronData(1, 1, 1)
Dim Machine As New Perceptron()
Machine.TrainByBackpropagation(db, 0.2) 'train our preseptron by our simple database :)
It is a class for solving problem by GA.
Sample Code: It solves NQeens Problem for a chess board by size of 16:
Dim gaSolver As New GA(16, 0, 16) With {
.FitnessFunction = Function(ch)
Dim CurQueen As Integer
Dim TestQueen As Integer
Dim confilect As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To ch.Genes.Length - 1
CurQueen = ch.Genes(i)
For j As Integer = 0 To ch.Genes.Length - 1
TestQueen = ch.Genes(j)
If (Not (i = j)) AndAlso ((TestQueen = CurQueen) OrElse (j - i) = (CurQueen - TestQueen) OrElse (i - j) = (CurQueen - TestQueen)) Then
confilect += 1
End If
Return confilect
End Function,
.EndFunction = Function(ch, geneCount)
Return ch.Fitness = 0
End Function,
.MutationRangeLength = 3,
.MutationRate = 0.05,
.PopulationCount = 100
gaSolver.MutationMethods.Add(New RandomResettingMutation())
gaSolver.CrossOverMethods.Add(New TwoPointCrossOver())
gaSolver.CrossOverMethods.Add(New UniformCrossOver())
AddHandler gaSolver.GenerationProduced, Sub()
Console.CursorVisible = False
Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0)
Console.Write(New String(" ", Console.WindowWidth))
Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0)
Console.WriteLine($"Generation:{gaSolver.BestGenerations.Count} Fittnes:{gaSolver.BestGenerations.Last().Fitness}")
Dim best = gaSolver.BestGenerations.Last()
For i = 0 To gaSolver.MaxGeneValue - 1
For j = 0 To gaSolver.MaxGeneValue - 1
If j = best.Genes(i) Then
Console.Write("1 ")
Console.Write("0 ")
End If
End Sub