computer-aided fish design
This is a simplistic "3D" object viewer written in Python, which relies on pygame.
Despite the name, it does not (yet) provide a user interface for designing objects, only for viewing them.
here is an excerpt of the code:
if len(sys.argv) < 2 :
print( "usage: object" )
print( "where object names a set of files in the objects subfolder," )
print( "to wit:" )
print( "objects/object.faces" )
print( "objects/object.edges" )
print( "objects/object.vertices" )
here is another excerpt:
elif event.key == pygame.K_h :
print( '===============================================================================' )
print( ' a: aqua-colorize (show monochrome pseudo-shaded with blue-green tint)' )
print( ' b: colorize (replace all edge & face colors with random "blue" colors)' )
print( ' c: colorize (replace all edge & face colors with random colors)' )
print( ' C: colorize (replace all edge & face colors with random "dark" colors)' )
print( ' d: debug (print the object data to the console)' )
print( ' e: toggle erase-between-frames' )
print( ' f: increase the width of (fatten) the polygon outlines' )
print( ' F: decrease the width of (or remove) the polygon outlines' )
print( ' h(H): print this help info' )
print( ' i: (in) move object toward viewer ( -z )' )
print( ' l: (re)load object (restore original orientation & colors)' )
print( ' o: (out) move object away from viewer ( +z )' )
print( ' q: quit' )
print( ' r: record object to file (appends "-new" to original name)' )
print( ' s: change z-sort mode (min, max, avg)' )
print( ' u: un-colorize (show monochrome pseudo-shaded)' )
print( ' v: vectorize (record object to .svg file representation)' )
print( ' w: toggle between wireframe & "solid" representation' )
print( ' x(X): rotate cw(CCW) about the x axis' )
print( ' y(Y): rotate cw(CCW) about the y axis' )
print( ' z(Z): rotate cw(CCW) about the z axis' )
print( 'arrow keys: move object left, right, up, down ( -x, +x, +y, -y )' )
print( '===============================================================================' )