Rahma Ali, Madina Zhaksylyk
Our project will be based on causes of death in the United States from Cancer, Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease, Heart Disease, Stroke, and Unintentional Injury from the year 2010-2015.
We are interested to discover the following
- What causes the most deadly in the US?
- Do Nonmetropolitan vs Metropolitan areas at the state level have more deaths?
- Which age group, sex, race, and fixed benchmarks have more death rate?
The data were extracted from the following sources:
CSV File
The CSV File was found on data.gov: NCHS - Potentially Excess Deaths from the Five Leading Causes of Death.csv (Renamed as NCHS_Causes_of_Death_2005-2015.csv in our dataset).
Website/Source https://catalog.data.gov/dataset? q=Leading+Causes+of+Death+in+the+USA&sort=score+desc%2C+name+asc
API Call Used Census.gov to retrieve data on Demographic Characteristics Estimates by Age Groups.
Website/Source https://www.census.gov/data/developers/data-sets/popest-popproj/ popest.Vintage_2015.html#list-tab-2014455046 api.census.gov/data/2015/pep/charagegroups
Data collected from the public source were not published in the exact way we wanted. Therefore, we had to clean the data to meet our needs. The data were cleaned using the following
Filters to filter out the columns we want for our data.
Renamed columns to match with both CSV file and API Call.
Checked for missing values.
Checked for duplicate values.
Joined both CSV File and API calls using inner joint on YEAR.
Replaced some of the API data values in the columns from numbers to words.
Deleted NAN values
Dropped rows from Puerto Rico because we are only focusing on 50 States.
Renamed the original CSV file from NCHS - Potentially Excess Deaths from the Five Leading Causes of Death.csv to NCHS_Causes_of_Death_2005-2015.csv. The original CSV File contained the following columns: Year, Cause of Death, State, State FIPS Code, HHS Region, Age Range, Benchmark, Locality, Observed Deaths, Population, Expected Deaths, Potentially Excess Deaths, Percent Potentially and Excess Deaths. Our new CSV File will contain the following columns: Year, Cause of Death, Benchmark, Locality (Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan), Observed Deaths and Expected Deaths
We will not be using the following columns: FIPS Code, HHS Region, Potentially Excess Deaths, Percent Potentially, and Excess Deaths because those columns did not meet the requirement to answer the questions, we were interested in finding answers to. We also not going to use State and Population data from the CSV File instead will use State and Population data from API Call Census. For API call it came from JSON and converted to CSV File and save as Census_data.csv. The original columns were POP, HISP, RACE, SEX, DATE_, and state, columns were renamed to Population, Hispanic, Race, Sex, Year, and State. When we pulled the data from API, some columns have values of 0, 1,.... etc To clean up, we used documentation found in the API to find what the numbers stand for. Replaced all the values in the columns to match our data formatting. Please refer to our notebook for the formatting.
Our data will focus on the year 2010-2015 because we were interested in the last 5 years of the cause of death in the USA. We had options using different Benchmarks and age ranges. For Benchmark will use Fixed instead of floating because floating changes from year to year and the age range will choose 0-84years we’re hoping to see more death in this category than any other age range. We read both CSV files and API Calls using pandas into Jupiter notebook. We merged both the CSV File and API call using Inner joint on Year.
After transformation, ERD was created before loading data to the PostgreSQL database.
The cleaned data was then transferred into a Database. We create census_db and death_causes tables in our database to match with our Panda’s DataFrame in the Jupyter notebook. We used PG admin in Postgres to store our data.
CREATE TABLE census_db(
id serial Primary Key,
Population FLOAT,
Hispanic TEXT,
Race TEXT,
State TEXT
CREATE TABLE death_causes(
id serial Primary Key,
Cause_of_Death TEXT,
Benchmark INTEGER,
Locality TEXT,
Age_Range INTEGER,
Observed_Deaths FLOAT,
Expected_Deaths FLOAT
Created views to see see only specific rows or columns of a table.
Select cd.year,
From census_db cd
Join death_causes dc ON cd.year = dc.year
Where sex='male';