ITInvest SmartCOM3 API C++ connector (Windows/Linux & possibly Mac OS X)
Implemented in raw without using MFC or ATL
It's usefull for coding C++ and linking native high performance C/C++ libraries with SmartCOM3 API (e.g. CUDA or OpenCL)
SmartCOM3 lib version:
Both Windows and Linux builds works well with CUDA and OpenGL native libs
(inc. CUDA-OpenGL interoperability - tested on nVidia GeForce GTX 680 & Tesla K20Xm)
- Windows
- Linux
- Test program output
- Test program SmartCOM3 log output
- Minimal example
- Library settings
- Error handling
- Multithreading warning
- ITInvest history bars
- Date & time helper functions
- Building bars from bars
- Building bars from ticks
- Contact
- Download and install SmartCOM3 API 32 or 64 bit from
- Launch Visual Studio and create empty WIN32 project 32 or 64 bit
- Create directory C:\logs or change default path in TestRobot constructor
- Just add sources and build project
(full description
- Add cyrillic locale ru_RU.UTF-8
- Download 32 or 64 bit SmartCOM3 API from
- Install it:
e.g. "WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=/prefix wine msiexec /i /path/to/smartcom/setup.msi /quiet /qn"/prefix wine regsvr32 /i /path/to/smartcom_32.dll" 64 bit: "WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=~/prefix wine64 regsvr32 /i /path/to/smartcom_64.dll"
or just register dll like 32 bit: "WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=
- Add "-D_FORCENAMELESSUNION" compiler flag (VARIANTs support)
- Link with libole32, liboleaut32 and libuuid
- If you building shared library, add position independent flag to compiler "-fPIC"
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ wineg++ -Wall -std=c++1y -c -D_FORCENAMELESSUNION ../SmartCOM3.cpp ../TestRobot.cpp
$ wineg++ -o "TestRobot" ./SmartCOM3.o ./TestRobot.o -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid
$ ls
$ TestRobot.exe SmartCOM3.o TestRobot.o
Notes about error "wrong binary format"
- Check that you link all libs above and they are exist on LD path
- WINE prefix and downloaded SmartCOM3 version must be the same architecture (32 or 64 bit)
$ ./TestRobot.exe
or without that launcher script
$ wine
for 64 bit
$ wine64
for russian support, custom WINEPREFIX & no Wine's debug messages:
$ LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 WINEPREFIX=/path/to/prefix WINEDEBUG=-all ./TestRobot.exe
Wine build: wine-1.9.5
Platform: x86_64
Version: Windows 7
Host system: Linux
Host version: 3.16.0-4-amd64
TestRobot::GetClientVersionString() Success SmartCOM3 dll version: 3,0,162,5805
TestRobot::ConfigureClient() Success
TestRobot::ConfigureServer() Success
TestRobot::Connect() Connecting to with login XXXXXX, please wait...
TestRobot::TestRobot() OK
Press ENTER to exit
TestRobot::AddSymbol() received all of 22600 symbols
TestRobot::AddSymbol() added symbol 'GAZP' with short_name 'ГАЗПРОМ ао'
TestRobot::AddSymbol() added symbol 'ROSN' with short_name 'Роснефть'
TestRobot::AddSymbol() added symbol 'SBER' with short_name 'Сбербанк'
TestRobot::AddSymbol() added symbol 'VTBR' with short_name 'ВТБ ао'
TestRobot::ListenTicks(GAZP) Success
TestRobot::GetSymbols() Success
TestRobot::AddPortfolio(1/4) name BPXXXXX-FX-01 exchage CETS status Broker
TestRobot::AddPortfolio(2/4) name BPXXXXX-MO-01 exchage MON status ReadOnly
TestRobot::AddPortfolio(3/4) name BPXXXXX-MS-01 exchage EQ status Broker
TestRobot::AddPortfolio(4/4) name BPXXXXX-RF-01 exchage RTS_FUT status Broker
TestRobot::GetPortfolioList() Success
TestRobot::AddTick(GAZP) 21.06.2016 15:59:40 143.57000 180 157098 Sell
TestRobot::AddTick(GAZP) 21.06.2016 15:59:40 143.55000 500 157099 Sell
TestRobot::AddTick(GAZP) 21.06.2016 15:59:40 143.55000 20 157100 Buy
TestRobot::AddTick(GAZP) 21.06.2016 15:59:41 143.59000 10 157105 Buy
TestRobot::~TestRobot() Disconnecting...
TestRobot::Disconnected(Disconnected by user)
TestRobot::~TestRobot() OK
2016-Jun-21 16:02:01.066719 [TID=1aa] - INFO : SmartCOM3 client module (v3.0.162.5805) logging started..
2016-Jun-21 16:02:01.066765 [TID=1aa] - INFO : Logging level is set to 4 value.
2016-Jun-21 16:02:01.066774 [TID=1aa] - INFO : Using maximum 7 worker threads to process data.
2016-Jun-21 16:02:01.066782 [TID=1aa] - INFO : Store logs in C:\logs\
2016-Jun-21 16:02:01.094257 [TID=1aa] - INFO : Trying to authenticate in using SSL connection (login XXXXXX)
2016-Jun-21 16:02:01.112897 [TID=1aa] - jelly: : Trying connect to
2016-Jun-21 16:02:01.162103 [TID=1aa] - jelly: : Https channel 0x271B70 OK..
2016-Jun-21 16:02:01.213248 [TID=1b5] - INFO : Login OK, loading securities..
2016-Jun-21 16:02:01.213377 [TID=1b5] - jelly: : Trying connect to
2016-Jun-21 16:02:01.213406 [TID=1b5] - jelly: : Channel 0x284B40 will use async connect mode (140)
2016-Jun-21 16:02:01.213487 [TID=1b4] - jelly: : Destroying https channel..0x271B70
2016-Jun-21 16:02:01.225003 [TID=1bd] - jelly: : Http channel 0x284B40 OK..
2016-Jun-21 16:02:07.821963 [TID=1b4] - INFO : Securities table loaded OK
2016-Jun-21 16:02:07.822023 [TID=1b4] - INFO : StServer::GetSymbols method
2016-Jun-21 16:02:08.024374 [TID=1b4] - INFO : StServer::ListenTicks method (Symbol: GAZP)
2016-Jun-21 16:02:08.024573 [TID=1b4] - jelly: : Trying connect to
2016-Jun-21 16:02:08.024625 [TID=1b4] - jelly: : Channel 0x462FE00 will use async connect mode (136)
2016-Jun-21 16:02:08.024756 [TID=1b4] - INFO : StServer::GetPrortfolioList method
2016-Jun-21 16:02:08.024860 [TID=1b5] - jelly: : Destroying http channel..0x284B40
2016-Jun-21 16:02:08.039057 [TID=1bd] - jelly: : Http channel 0x462FE00 OK..
2016-Jun-21 16:02:12.450707 [TID=1aa] - jelly: : Destroying http channel..0x462FE00
2016-Jun-21 16:02:12.450875 [TID=1aa] - INFO : Disconnected by user..
TestRobot *robot = new TestRobot();
robot->Connect("", 8443, "LOGIN", "PASSWORD");
getchar(); /* waiting 'Connected()' event on success or 'Disconnected()' event on fail */
delete robot;
Before first call Connect method you may configure SmartCOM3 library and then call ConfigureLibrary to apply:
void SetLogPath(std::string path); // e.g. "C:\\logs" default: "%APPDATA%\\IT Invest"
void SetLogLevel(uint8_t level); default: 2
void SetAsyncConnectionMode(bool async); default: true
void SetDisconnectTimeout(uint8_t timeout); default: 2
ErrorCode ConfigureLibrary();
All SmartCOM3 methods return ErrorCode for user side error handling:
ErrorCode er = ListenTicks(symbol);
if (er != ErrorCode_Success) {
printf("ListenTicks(%s) error: %s\n", symbol, GetErrorCodeString(er));
switch (er) {
case ErrorCode_SecurityNotFound: ... break;
case ErrorCode_NotConnected: ... break;
default: ...
Possible output: ListenTicks(SYMB) error: SecurityNotFound
For error description call GetErrorCodeString(code).
Error codes (ErrorCode enum in SmartCOM3enums.h):
1. Native SmartCOM3 methods are thread safe. 2. Callbacks served from different threads - you may need synchronization.
TInvest SmartCOM3 history bars date & time as result of GetBars have CLOSE date & time with some bugs.
Test for all intervals GetBars(from 06.07.2016 10:04:20, 1 pcs) result:
1Min | 06.07.2016 10:05:00 <- rounded precisely to the end
5Min | 06.07.2016 10:05:00
10Min | 06.07.2016 10:10:00
15Min | 06.07.2016 10:15:00
30Min | 06.07.2016 10:30:00
1Hour | 06.07.2016 11:00:00
2Hour | 06.07.2016 12:00:00
4Hour | 06.07.2016 12:00:00
Day | 06.07.2016 23:59:59 <- not rounded to the end of frame
Week | 08.07.2016 23:59:59 <- friday
Month | 31.07.2016 23:59:59
Quarter | 30.09.2016 23:59:59
Year | 31.12.2016 23:59:59
- Rounding AddBar fast but dangerous to same time frame (up to 00 secs):
time_t RoundBarFast(time_t) - Rounding AddBar to same or higher time frame:
time_t RoundBarDatetime(BarInterval, time_t, DatetimeType) - Rounding AddTick, AddQuote etc to some time frame:
time_t RoundTickDatetime(BarInterval, time_t, DatetimeType)
Rounding to WEEK OPEN/CLOSE rounds date & time to last/next Monday 00:00:00
E.g. building 5MIN bars from 1MIN bars:
GetBars(..., BarInterval_1Min, ...);
void AddBar(..., time_t datetime1min, ...) { // 07.07.2016 12:27:00 - 1MIN CLOSE
time_t datetime5min =
RoundBarDatetime(BarInterval_5Min, datetime1min, OPEN_DATE); // 07.07.2016 12:25:00 - 5MIN OPEN
datetime5min =
RoundBarDatetime(BarInterval_5Min, datetime1min, CLOSE_DATE); // 07.07.2016 12:30:00 - 5MIN CLOSE
E.g. building 5MIN bars:
void AddTick(..., time_t datetime, ...) { // 07.07.2016 12:31:11
time_t datetime5min =
RoundTickDatetime(BarInterval_5Min, datetime, OPEN_DATE); // 07.07.2016 12:30:00 - 5MIN OPEN
datetime5min =
RoundTickDatetime(BarInterval_5Min, datetime, CLOSE_DATE); // 07.07.2016 12:35:00 - 5MIN CLOSE
Feel free for contact russian or english