Perform conditional bitwise XOR operations on files.
Usage: [options] args
Perform a conditional XOR on a file.
Copyright (c) 2012 Joseph Zeranski <madsc13ntist>
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v More verbose output regarding XORing.
-f OUTFILE the filename to save the patched file to.
-k KEY the XOR key to use. example: 149, 0x95
-o OFFSET offsets to skip regardless of byte value.
Supports: comma seperated (no spaces). int, hex (ranges)
example : 42,0x95,25-50,0x14-0x1A,250-0xFF
-s ONLY XOR offsets unless value is to be ignored. (used with '-o')
-i IGNORE byte values to ignore.
Supports: comma seperated (no spaces). int, hex (ranges)
example : 42,0x95,25-50,0x14-0x1A,250-0xFF
extracting a malicious executable from an xored cab file hiding in a gif.
$ cabextract 4378156187_5.showlist.gif
4378156187_5.showlist.gif: no valid cabinets found
the gif doesn't appear to contain a valid cabinet stream but we know (from the malware driving this infection) that the cab contains an executable called "javae.exe". We know from the stage-1 malware that it is going to xor by 0x78 and ignore null bytes (0x0) and the key (0x78) and extract a stage-2 executable from the cab. (but you could also find some of that with a quick xorsearch for the cabinet header...)
$ xorsearch 4378156187_5.showlist.gif MSCF
Found XOR 78 position 2800: MSCFxxxx.Q.xxxxx,
So we xor the gif by 0x78 (ignoring the key and null bytes).
$ ./ -k 0x78 -i 0x0,0x78 4378156187_5.showlist.gif
Using XOR key: 0x78
Ignoring values: 0x0, 0x78
Now we have the patched (xored) gif. We can now extract the executable from the cabinet.
$ cabextract 4378156187_5.showlist.gif.patched
Extracting cabinet: 4378156187_5.showlist.gif.patched
extracting javae.exe
All done, no errors.
Success! :)
$ file -i javae.exe
javae.exe: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary