Submit a query to splunk (api) via a python script.
Usage: [options] splunk_host(s)
Run a splunk query using a python script (via the splunk SDK)
Copyright (c) 2013 Joseph Zeranski <madsc13ntist>
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USER the username to use to connect.
-p PORT the port to connect to. [8089]
-o OUTFILE a file to save results to.
-a, --append Append to OUTFILE instead of overwriting. (used with '-o')
-s, --split Split output into seperate files. (used with '-o')
-U prompt for username for each connection.
-P prompt for passwords for each connection.
-q QUERY The query to submit to splunk. (or a txt file)
-i drop to a python shell. (after connect(), before query)
-I drop to a python shell. (after each query)