Magja is a Java Connector for Magento's SOAP API that allows easy integration with the popular shop system and allows to exchange all data available by the Magento API.
- Basic support for Magento 1.x SOAP API V1
- Allows access to:
- Product
- Product Media
- Product Link
- Product Categories
- Product Attributes
- Country
- Region
- Customer
- Order
- Invoice
- Cart
- Extensible (without code generation) for custom API
The official documentation is located on the Magja Homepage.
We use Travis CI to ensure that builds are passing. CodeCov is used to measure test coverage and SonarQube to find bugs.
Magja is build using Apache Maven. Please run:
mvn clean package
to build the software. There is a Maven profile included, running the entire integration-test suite against a Magento Shop.
Please make sure to place your
file in src/test/resources
and run the following command to execute the integration tests:
mvn clean install -P itest
Fo producing a release, the following command is used (only if you have enough permissions to do so):
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dresume=false clean release:prepare release:perform
Magja has been developed on Google Code, so old resources are still available at:
- Magja at google code:
- Installation for use:
- Setup project for development:
- Wiki Pages: