Upgraded to support Laravel 8 and latest versions
Dynamically configurable access control for Laravel. One user can have multiple roles.
composer require uzzal/acl
In your laravel config/app.php
under providers add
artisan vendor:publish
This command will publish view files inside views/vendor/acl
seed files inside the databases/seed
and a config file config/acl.php
At your DatabaseSeeder.php
under database/seeds
add the following lines
$this->call(UserTableSeeder::class); //optional
NOTE: If you see any kind of class not found type error try running composer dump-autoload
This library comes with an artisan command acl:resource
to automatically create all the resources (controller@action) available in your project under app/Http/Controllers
directory. To activate this command you need to add these following lines to your app/Console/Kernel.php
protected $commands = [
In your User
model add the following trait
use Uzzal\Acl\Traits\AccessControlled;
class User extends Authenticatable
use AccessControlled;
Acl library now has two attribute support #Resource
, and #Authorize
to be used with controller action
#[Authorize('Admin, Default')] // string
#[Resource('able to see home')]
public function index()
return view('home');
// or alternatively
#[Authorize('Admin', 'Default')] // array
#[Resource('able to see home')]
public function index()
return view('home');
Role names are not case sensitive. But use Capitalized word for better readability.
NOTE: by default developer role has the highest permission level, and it doesn't need to be mentioned in the
attribute. If you remove the #Authorize
attribute it won't delete the permissions from the
database, but if you change the role list in the annotation then it will update the databased accordingly.
This ACL library comes with two middleware as shown below. AuthenticateWithAcl
is the middleware you need. The other ResourceMaker
middle ware is just a helper to create resource dynamically if it doesn't exists in the first place and assign permission for it to the developer
In your kernal.php
file add this lines
'auth.acl' => \Uzzal\Acl\Middleware\AuthenticateWithAcl::class,
'resource.maker' => \Uzzal\Acl\Middleware\ResourceMaker::class,
In your route/web.php
file add this lines
Route::group(['middleware' => ['resource.maker','auth.acl']], function () {
Route::get('/home', 'HomeController@index');
IMPORTANT: resource.maker
must have to be placed before auth.acl
. In production you can remove resource.maker
once you have all the resource generated.
To access role visit YOUR-HOST/role
To access resource UI visit YOUR-HOST/resource
There are several ways to check for access
By route name here home.index
is the name of the route.
if (allowed('home.index')) {
echo "will allow here if the user has access";
// alternatively in blade template
<h4>Will be visible if the user has permission</h4>
By controller's action name
if (allowed([\App\Http\Controllers\HomeController::class, 'index'])) {
echo "will allow here if the user has access";
// alternatively in blade template
@allowed([\App\Http\Controllers\HomeController::class, 'index'])
<h4>Will be visible if the user has permission</h4>
Suppose you have two controllers named HomeController
and ProfileController
now you want to check if the user has any access to both of the controller then use the following code
if (allowedAny(['Home','Profile'])) {
echo "Will be visible if the user has permission for any action of Home and Profile controller";
// alternatively in blade template
<h4>Will be visible if the user has permission for any action of Home and Profile controller</h4>
// for single controller it can be written like this
<h4>Will be visible if the user has permission for any action of Home Controller</h4>
if (hasRole(['Admin','Editor'])) {
echo "Will be visible if the user has Admin or Editor or both roles";
// alternatively in blade template
<h4>Will be visible if the user has Admin or Editor or both roles</h4>
// for single Role it can be written like this
<h4>Will be visible if the user has Admin roles</h4>
composer update
vendor/bin/testbench workbench:install # not required
vendor/bin/testbench workbench:create-sqlite-db
vendor/bin/testbench migrate
vendor/bin/testbench db:seed --class=Workbench\Database\Seeders\DatabaseSeeder
vendor/bin/testbench package:test