POST https://reqres.in/api/register
The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:
{ "email": "your email", "password": "your pass" } Registered total 6 different users.
After each registration new tokens will be generated for each users.
GET {{url}}/users
Returns the User Lists of the API.
GET {{url}}/users/id
Retrieve detailed information about a user.
GET {{url}}/unknown
Returns the resources of the API.
GET {{url}}/unknown/id
Retrieve detailed information about a resource.
To Update and delete those generated tokens in the registration phases required.
PUT {{url}}/users/{{id}}
The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:
"first_name": "your first name",
"last_name": "your last name",
The response body will contain the access token in the Authorization tab.
DELETE {{url}}/users/{{id}}
Delete an existing user. Requires authentication.
The request body needs to be empty.
DELETE /users/3
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR TOKEN>
Newman Install:
- npm install -g newman
Reporter Install:
- npm install -g newman-reporter-html
- npm install -g newman-reporter-htmlextra
Report Generate:
- newman run "..\CollectionName.json" -e "..\EnvironmentName.json" -r cli,html
- newman run "..\CollectionName.json" -e "..\EnvironmentName.json" -r cli,htmlextra