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3 VideoView

WenchangMai edited this page Jun 7, 2020 · 3 revisions





interface IVideoView : TextureView.SurfaceTextureListener, LifecycleObserver {

     * 封面
    val cover: ImageView

     * 播放器内核
    var mediaPlayer: IMediaPlayer<*>?

     * 是否正在播放
    val isPlaying: Boolean

     * 当前位置
    val currentPosition: Long

     * 视频时长
    val duration: Long

     * 视频高度
    val videoHeight: Int

     * 视频宽度
    val videoWidth: Int

     * 音频管理器
    var audioManager : IAudioManager

     * 播放器状态
    val playerState: PlayerState

     * 初始化播放
    fun prepare()

     * 播放
    fun start()

     * 重播
    fun replay()

     * 暂停
    fun pause()

     * 停止
    fun stop()

     * 释放资源
    fun release()

     * 重置
    fun reset()

     * 跳转
    fun seekTo(time: Long)

     * 设置音量
    fun setVolume(volume: Int)

     * 绑定视图
    fun attach()

     * 获取当前视图Bitmap
    fun getBitmap(): Bitmap?



Method Name Valid States Invalid States Comments
getCurrentPosition {Idle, Initialized, Prepared, Started, Paused, Stopped, PlaybackCompleted} {Error} Successful invoke of this method in a valid state does not change the state. Calling this method in an invalid state transfers the object to the Error state.
getDuration {Prepared, Started, Paused, Stopped, PlaybackCompleted} {Idle, Initialized, Error} Successful invoke of this method in a valid state does not change the state. Calling this method in an invalid state transfers the object to the Error state.
getVideoHeight {Idle, Initialized, Prepared, Started, Paused, Stopped, PlaybackCompleted} {Error} Successful invoke of this method in a valid state does not change the state. Calling this method in an invalid state transfers the object to the Error state.
getVideoWidth {Idle, Initialized, Prepared, Started, Paused, Stopped, PlaybackCompleted} {Error} Successful invoke of this method in a valid state does not change the state. Calling this method in an invalid state transfers the object to the Error state.
isPlaying {Idle, Initialized, Prepared, Started, Paused, Stopped, PlaybackCompleted} {Error} Successful invoke of this method in a valid state does not change the state. Calling this method in an invalid state transfers the object to the Error state.
pause {Started, Paused, PlaybackCompleted} {Idle, Initialized, Prepared, Stopped, Error} Successful invoke of this method in a valid state transfers the object to the Paused state. Calling this method in an invalid state transfers the object to the Error state.
prepare {Initialized, Stopped} {Idle, Prepared, Started, Paused, PlaybackCompleted, Error} Successful invoke of this method in a valid state transfers the object to the Prepared state. Calling this method in an invalid state throws an IllegalStateException.
prepareAsync {Initialized, Stopped} {Idle, Prepared, Started, Paused, PlaybackCompleted, Error} Successful invoke of this method in a valid state transfers the object to the Preparing state. Calling this method in an invalid state throws an IllegalStateException.
release any {} After release(), the object is no longer available.
reset {Idle, Initialized, Prepared, Started, Paused, Stopped, PlaybackCompleted, Error} {} After reset(), the object is like being just created.
seekTo {Prepared, Started, Paused, PlaybackCompleted} {Idle, Initialized, Stopped, Error} Successful invoke of this method in a valid state does not change the state. Calling this method in an invalid state transfers the object to the Error state.
setDataSource {Idle} {Initialized, Prepared, Started, Paused, Stopped, PlaybackCompleted, Error} Successful invoke of this method in a valid state transfers the object to the Initialized state. Calling this method in an invalid state throws an IllegalStateException.
setLooping {Idle, Initialized, Stopped, Prepared, Started, Paused, PlaybackCompleted} {Error} Successful invoke of this method in a valid state does not change the state. Calling this method in an invalid state transfers the object to the Error state.
setVolume {Idle, Initialized, Stopped, Prepared, Started, Paused, PlaybackCompleted} {Error} Successful invoke of this method does not change the state.
start {Prepared, Started, Paused, PlaybackCompleted} {Idle, Initialized, Stopped, Error} Successful invoke of this method in a valid state transfers the object to the Started state. Calling this method in an invalid state transfers the object to the Error state.
stop {Prepared, Started, Stopped, Paused, PlaybackCompleted} {Idle, Initialized, Error} Successful invoke of this method in a valid state transfers the object to the Stopped state. Calling this method in an invalid state transfers the object to the Error state.


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