- Contact: contact.maiznadeem@gmail.com
- Portfolio: maiz-portfolio.vercel.app
I’m interested in cloud computing, machine learning, and building AI-driven applications at scale. I don't like coding 24/7 tho.
I don’t rely on a specific technology; rather, I focus on the app architecture and what suits best.
Languages: Javascript, Python, C/C++, C#, SQL (MySQL, MSSQL), HTML/CSS
Frameworks: React, Node.js (Express), React Native, Next.js, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Material-UI, Tailwind CSS
Developer Tools: Git, Docker, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Firebase, Google Colab, Kaggle
Libraries & Packages: Auth0, Clerk, Expo, Redux, React Query, TensorFlow, Pytorch
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/maiznadeem
GitHub: github.com/maiznadeem
Feel free to reach out to me.