I literally did this in 30 minutes and i'm actually planning to add more features. Please be patient 💙
package | dev | version |
axios | ❌ | ^0.21.1 |
dotenv | ❌ | ^10.0.0 |
googleapis | ❌ | ^80.1.0 |
@types/axios | ✔ | ^0.14.0 |
@types/node | ✔ | ^15.14.0 |
ts-node | ✔ | ^10.0.0 |
ts-node | ✔ | ^4.3.5 |
Get Empire Cookie: Navigate to empire deposit page with google devtools, open Network tab and search for request from
. Head down on response headers and copy cookie header. This is your EMPIRE_AUTH_COOKIE enviroment variable. -
Configure google api and google sheet.
Have fun
yarn && yarn start
key | value |
-dev | enable console.log |
-noGoogle | the application will only fetch data from csempire without updating google sheet |
key | value |
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS | path to google api client credentials |
SHEET_ID | google sheets id |
PRICE_RANGE | range on sheet that stores the csempire price |
TITLE_RANGE | range on sheet that stores item name |
EMPIRE_AUTH_COOKIE | csempire user cookie |