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Simple dependency injection / service locator for Swift applications

Great if you're tired of over-used singleton pattern.

Silicon advantages

  • all application services / models / what-ever-app-needs are defined in a service locator
  • all services are lazy initializated when requested and retained
  • access any service by name
  • use build-in dependency injection to inject services

simple usage example

Define service called apiService

// each call to 'get("myService")' will create a new instance of 'MyServiceImpl' class

Silicon.set("myService", shared:false) { (si) in
    let o = MySerivceImpl()
    return o

// this instance will be shared but only twice

Silicon.set("mySharedService", shared:true, count: 2) { (si) in
    let o = MySerivceImpl()
    return o

Session object will be created when requested for the first time. After creating service instance Silicon uses it in any subsequent requests.

Using defined service

// get two different instances of 'myService'

let instance1 = Silicon.get('myService')
let instance2 = Silicon.get('myService')

// in example below both 'shared1' and 'shared2' are pointing to the same instance

let shared1 = Silicon.get('mySharedService')
let shared2 = Silicon.get('mySharedService')

// any following calls for 'mySharedService' will result in nil - service availability was set only to 2

let shared3 = Silicon.get('mySharedService')