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Final assignment for IF1210 Dasar Pemrograman course, csv data manipulation program without file/data management library


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Tugas Besar IF1210 Dasar Pemrograman 2020/2021

Table of contents


  • This program is developed to complete the final assignment for IF1210 Dasar Pemrograman course. This program is about data manipulation in csv using Python. We are only allowed to use certain libraries (os, sys, math, time, argparse, datetime) and not allowed to use other than those, including data management libraries, like: csv, pandas, etc. So we have to make our own program to open, manipulate, save, and create file csv.

How to Run

  1. Open your terminal (bash) in your dedicated folder for this repo
  2. Clone this repository
    git clone
  3. Change directory into this repo
    cd Data-Manipulation-Without-Library
  4. Run python file (
    python -f csvFolder
  5. Enjoy the program :D

Performable Command

  • register
    • register new user (Access: Admin)
  • login
    • login into the program (Access: Admin/User)
  • carirarity
    • display gadgets that have a rarity according to user input (Access: Admin/User)
  • caritahun
    • display gadgets that their year found match user input (Access: Admin/User)
  • tambahitem
    • add item (gadget/consumable) into database (Access: Admin)
  • hapusitem
    • delete item (gadget/consumable) from database (Access: Admin)
  • ubahjumlah
    • change number of gadget/consumable in database (Access: Admin)
  • pinjam
    • borrow gadget from database and add into user's inventory (Access: User)
  • kembalikan
    • return borrowed gadget (Access: User)
  • minta
    • take consumable from database and add into user's inventory (Access: User)
  • riwayatpinjam
    • see gadget borrow record that has been sorted by date (Access: Admin)
  • riwayatkembali
    • see gadget return record that has been sorted by date (Access: Admin)
  • riwayatambil
    • see consumable take record that has been sorted by date(Access: Admin)
  • save
    • to save data (Access: Admin/User)
  • gacha
    • do gacha using consumable in user's inventory to get new consumable (Access: User)
  • help
    • display program usage guide (No need to login)
  • exit
    • exit the program (No need to login)

Further Information


Group 11 Class 9

Name NIM
Farisa Aliya 16520129
Gerald Abraham Sianturi 16520149
Malik Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani 16520299
Hughie Raymonelika Manggala 16520329


Final assignment for IF1210 Dasar Pemrograman course, csv data manipulation program without file/data management library







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