A Facebook chat bot that tests your emoji game.
Emoji & Wine is a very simple game based on facebooks Messanger service and a bunch of photos from the instagram account MackerelandWine. The game goes like this:
- Chat Bot: Ready to test your Emoji game?
- User: (clicks the "ready" button).
- Chat bot: Good! Here are the rules. I'm holding 10 drawings in my hand that I will show you one at a time. As soon as I show you a drawing, you have 10 second to send me the matching emoji. If you get it in time, you get a point. Otherwise I get a point. Here, let's try it once without a timer, just to see if you get it.
- Chat Bot: Here's a drawing, send me the matching Emoji of a wine glass.
- Chat Bot: [Wine glass drawing]
The user is suppose to then respond with "🍷". If the respond with anything else, the chat bot then uses one of the following at random:
- Chat Bot: HA! that ain't right. Try again.
- Chat Bot: Geez, are you blind?
- Chat Bot: Hint: You're wroooong!
- Chat Bot: Nope
- Chat Bot: Not even close, haha!
But if the user get's it right:
Chat Bot: Yeeeehaaa! You got it! But hey, pretty easy when you're not on a clock. Are you ready to try the big boy version?
User: No
- Chat bot: Alrigh, see ya!
- User: Yes
- Chat bot: Awesome! I hope you have your Emoji keyboard ready. Here's the first drawing:
- Chat bot: [drawing 1]
- Chat bot: 5 seconds left
- Chat bot: 2 seconds..
- Chat bot: Times up.
Or if the user gets it in time
- Chat bot: Perfect, you get a point! Next photo coming up
- Chat bot: [drawing 2]
- ...
Once the game is going, Emoji's are the only message considered correct by the bot. Anything else is simply a wrong guess. When the game is over, the bot follows up with the score:
- Chat bot: Alright cowboy, that's it. Let's take a look at the scores.
- Chat bot: Looks like you got 6/10 points. I guess that means you win.