An application that helps keep track of the shows and movies you watch, while also making it social! Participate in a forum for each title and contribute to its rating. Your input helps others discover your favorite shows and movies by giving them the confidence to start watching.
- The PentaTech Team
- Clone repo onto your local machine
- Open project in your editor of choice (VS Code recommended)
- Install Node.js (via Homebrew or installer)
- Open terminal in your project folder
- Run the following commands to install missing dependencies
npm install -g
- Open another terminal in your project folder (root project folder)
- On one terminal run: [runs frontend]
cd client
npm run start
- On the other terminal run (in root folder) [runs server]:
node run start
(may substitute nodemon for node if you prefer and have it installed) 9. Go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view project