This Web Application powered by MERN Stack will be making use of intuitive User-Interface and User-Experience to allow Students to come onto a One-Stop Portal and share Resources and Notes related to their Syllabus and Subjects which can benefit the Society as a whole. An integrated PDF-Viewer would allow the other students to check out the Resources and upvote a User depending on the usefulness of the Resources shared from his part. This Social Application would allow Students to connect over their love of Subjects and helping out of the Community in an effective way, benefitting a lot of Students in the longer run.
In Majority of the Colleges and Universities across India, Notes Sharing is done in Private WhatsApp Groups and Telegram Channels which often lead to other students missing out on important notes during Exam-Times. A One-Stop Solution can be to bring up an Application where Students can drop down their Notes for Public View, that can be accessed by anyone.
To make it a gamified experience, other Users can upvote the contributions done by the Contributors which can be “rewarded” in terms of Credits and more. We will also be working on adding more features to the Project, like specifying the nature of Notes and to whom it benefits the most which would allow the other User to filter and view specific content.
Project Managers, Developers and Designers would be collaborating on various domains like:
UI Prototyping with Tools like Adobe XD/Figma
Front-End Development with ReactJS
Developing Backend APIs with NodeJS and MongoDB
Working on a NoSQL Database Management System
Working on a User-Experience rich platform for a Social Cause
This would be an enriching experience for all Student Developers, Project Managers and Designers.
Assuming a total team strength of X, X/3 students will be working on Front-End, X/3 on Back-End and X/3 on Databases/DevOps/Deployment. The minimum number of people I am looking for to work on this project is 6 while the maximum number of people I am looking for to work on this project is 24.
Coding Languages: Javascript (MERN Stack)
Tools & Technologies: React, MongoDB, Express, NodeJS, Amazon Web Services, Postman, Jest, Github Actions (CI/CD)
Project Management Tools: Trello, Git/Github, Markdown (Documentation)