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Manuel Mendoza edited this page Oct 7, 2022 · 13 revisions

Sea slugs from the superorder Sacoglossa can sequester functional chloroplast through feeding and keep them photosynthetically active inside their digestive tubules (de Vries, Christa, and Gould 2014). A small polyphyletic group of sacoglossan species can maintain the stolen plastids (kleptoplasts) functional for more than a month (Händeler et al. 2009). Despite an extensive research record (de Vries et al. 2014), some questions remain unveiled: How are the plastids recognised from the other components of prey’s cells? Why do the sea slugs remain alive after weeks of starvation if the photosynthates are not essential? Even if the ability to sequester the plastids has multiple independent origins along the evolution, can we find orthologs related to the time while the plastids remain active?

We tried to answer to the three questions made above, sequencing a novel transcriptome from a cosmopolitan species present along the European Atlantic shore, Elysia viridis (Montagu, 1804) (Jensen 2007) and comparing it with other species of sea slugs. The sample collection and the methodology used to find the answers are described below. Although we reported new results, we are sure to further studies will be required to find a clear answer to the questions due to the limitations of our study: the limited number of samples, low quality of biological material that can compromise the subsequent computational analysis, and fragmented transcriptome of reference.

Reference generation

STEP 0: Create the conda environment. In our analysis we used miniconda3 v4.11.0. This analysis was done using a high-performance computer (CESGA Finisterrae II) using the queue system SLURM, so we added some SLURM-specific options in the different chunks.

# Crete the environment
conda create --yes --name elvira_env

# Add the channels to the list to download the required tools
conda config --add channels conda-forge 
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels r

# Install all the tools required for the analysis
conda install --yes --name elvira_env python=3 r-base=4 fastp trinity transrate transdecoder busco blast hmmer fastqc seqkit r-fastqcr r-tidyverse r-devtools bioconductor-biostrings

STEP 1: Reads quality assessment. We checked the qualiy of our reads using the modules analysed by FastQC.

# Reads quality assessment 
fastqc \
  --extract \
  --nogroup \
  --threads $SLURM_NTASKS \
  --outdir qc_dir \
  sample_1.fq.gz sample_2.fq.gz  

STEP 2: Reads trimming using fastp (Chen et al. 2018). We removed remaining sequencing adapters (detected by reads-pairs overlapping), poly-X tails (we did not allow more than 15bp consecutive position with the nucleotide), and low complexity reads (reads with many repetitions). After we trimmed the low-quality positions, requiring a mean quality of 30 phred-score and more than 75% of positions had to pass this threshold too. The final length required after trimming was 70bp.

# Reads quality control
fastp \
  --thread $SLURM_NTASKS \
  --in1 sample_1.fq.gz \
  --in2 sample_2.fq.gz \
  --out1 sample_1.trim.fq.gz \
  --out2 sample_2.trim.fq.gz \
  --json sample.trim.json\
  --html sample.trim.html \
  --detect_adapter_for_pe \
  --low_complexity_filter \
  --complexity_threshold 50 \
  --cut_right \
  --cut_window_size 10 \
  --cut_mean_quality 30 \
  --qualified_quality_phred 30 \
  --unqualified_percent_limit 25 \
  --average_qual 30 \
  --length_required 70 \
  --correction \
  --overrepresentation_analysis \
  --overrepresentation_sampling 5

STEP 3: Transcriptome de novo assembly. We used the clean reads obtained in the previous step to reconstruct the transcripts using Trinity (Grabherr et al. 2011; Haas et al. 2013).

# Transcriptome assembly
Trinity \
  --max_memory 64G \
  --seqType fq \
  --min_contig_length 300 \
  --KMER_SIZE 20 \
  --min_glue 10 \
  --min_per_id_same_path 84 \
  --max_diffs_same_path 16 \
  --left sample_1.trim.fq.gz \
  --right sample_2.trim.fq.gz \
  --output sample-Trinity \

STEP 4: Transcriptome assembly evaluation. We checked the number of mollucan orthologs assembled using BUSCO (Manni, Berkeley, Seppey, Simão, et al. 2021; Manni, Berkeley, Seppey, and Zdobnov 2021) (transcriptome completeness); and we check the number of transcripts that were assembled correctly using TransRate (Smith-Unna et al. 2016) (transcriptome correctness).

# Check the transcriptome completeness 
busco \
  --force \
  --cpu $SLURM_NTASKS \
  --evalue 1e-6 \
  --in sample_transcripts.fna \
  --out mollusca_ort \
  --mode transcriptome \
  --lineage_dataset mollusca_odb10  

# Check the transcriptome correctness 
transrate \
  --threads $SLURM_NTASKS \
  --assembly sample_transcripts.fna \
  --left sample_1.trim.fq.gz \
  --right sample_1.trim.fq.gz \
  --output sample_cor

STEP 5: Protein-coding sequences identification. We extracted the protein coding sequences from the transcript assembled correctly using TransDecoder. After that, we removed the redundant sequences using seqkit (Shen et al. 2016).

# Create the transcript to gene map
${TRINITY_HOME}/util/support_scripts/ \
  sample.good.fasta > sample.good.gtm

# Extract the protein-coding sequences
TransDecoder.LongOrfs \
  -t sample.good.fasta \
  --gene_trans_map sample.good.gtm \
  --output_dir sample.good-cds

TransDecoder.Predict \
  --single_best_only \
  -t sample.good.fasta \
  --output_dir sample.good-cds

# Remove redundant sequences
seqkit rmdup \
  --threads $SLURM_NTASKS \
  --ignore-case \
  --by-seq \
  --out-file sample.good.rmdup.faa \

STEP 6: Possible biological contamination removal. After removing the possible miss-assemblies, we pulled the potential contaminants from other organisms (bacteria, algae, etc.). We aligned the reads to the NCBI non-redundant protein database and from that we extracted the taxonomic information from these matches using the taxonomizr R package. We only kept the sequences that matched with a molluscan protein from the genera Elysia, Aplysia and Plakobranchus. Previously to define the filtering condition, we explore the taxonomy of all the matches to find the most appropriate limits.

# Local alignment to identify the product
blastp \
  -num_threads $SLURM_NTASKS \ 
  -task blastp-fast \
  -evalue 1e-3 \
  -max_hsps 1 \
  -max_target_seqs 1 \
  -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qlen slen qcovs" \
  -db nr \
  -query sample.good.rmdup.faa \
# Attach the packages

# Prepare the database (do only the 1st time)
getAccession2taxid(types = c("nucl_wgs", "nucl_gb", "prot"))
read.names.sql("names.dmp", "accessionTaxa.sql")
read.nodes.sql("nodes.dmp", "accessionTaxa.sql")
read.accession2taxid(list.files(".", "accession2taxid.gz$"), "accessionTaxa.sql")

# Load the transcripts sequences and the output from STEP 5A
prot_good <- readAAStringSet("sample.good.rmdup.faa")
blast_out <- read_delim(file = "", col_names = FALSE) %>%
  select("X1", "X2") %>%
  rename("tx_name" = "X1", "nr_accs" = "X2")

# Extract the taxonomic information from the proteins ID
prot_taxa <- tibble(
  "nr_accs" = unique(sort(blast_out %>% pull("nr_accs"))),
  "nr_egid" = accessionToTaxa(nr_accs, "accessionTaxa.sql")
  ) %>%
  bind_cols(getTaxonomy(nr_accs %>% pull(nr_egid), "accessionTaxa.sql"))

# Filter by Genus to keep only sea slugs
prot_filt <- prot_taxa %>% 
  filter(genus %in% c("Aplysia", "Elysia", "Plakobranchus")) %>%
prot_filt <- prot_good[prot_filt %>% pull(tx_name)]

# Rename the final transcripts to handle simple names
new_sqaccs <- paste0("SPNAME", str_pad(1:length(prot_good), width = nchar(length(prot_good)), pad = "0"))
old_sqaccs <- names(prot_filt)
accs_convr <- tibble("qseqid" = old_sqaccs, "qseqid_new" = new_sqaccs)
names(prot_filt) <- new_sqaccs

# Change the sequence accession in the alignment
col_names <- c("qseqid", "sseqid", "pident", "length", "mismatch", "gapopen", "qstart", "qend", "sstart", "send", "evalue", "bitscore", "qlen", "slen", "qcovs")
res_blast <- read_delim(file = "", col_names = col_names) %>%
  inner_join(accs_convr) %>%
  select(!qseqid) %>%
  rename("qseqid" = "qseqid_new")

# Export the final transcriptome
writeXStringSet(x = prot_filt, filepath = "sample.good.rmdup.slugs.faa", append = FALSE)
write_delim(x = res_blast, file = "", delim = "\t", col_names = FALSE)

STEP 7: Protein homology prediction. We tried to predict the product of the transcripts by local alignment using BLASTP (Altschul et al. 1990; Shiryev et al. 2007; Camacho et al. 2009). We annotate the transcriptome using four databases: NCBI Nr, NCBI RefSeq Protein (Sayers et al. 2021), UniProt TrEMBL (UniProt Consortium 2021) and UniProt TrEMBL limited to molluscan entries.

# Identify the homologous proteins 
blastp \
  -num_threads $SLURM_NTASKS \
  -task blastp \
  -evalue 1e-6 \
  -max_hsps 1 \
  -max_target_seqs 1 \
  -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qlen slen qcovs" \
  -db dbname \
  -query sample.good.rmdup.slugs.faa \
  -out sample.good.rmdup.slugs.dbname.tsv

STEP 8: Protein domain identification.We identified the different protein domains from the filtered transcripts using HMMER (Eddy 2011) and the database Pfam (Mistry et al. 2021).

# Identify the different protein domains
hmmsearch \
  --cpu $SLURM_NTASKS \
  --tblout sample.good.rmdup.slugs.seqdom.tsv \
  --domtblout sample.good.rmdup.slugs.ptrdom.tsv \
  -E 1e-6 \
  --domE 1e-6 \
  --incE 1e-6 \
  --incdomE 1e-6 \
  pfam \

STEP 9: Gene Ontology annotation. We predicted the GO associated with each transcript using the homologous proteins (STEP 7 using TrEMBL DB) and the protein domains (STEP 8). Additionally, we required a extra file containing the conversion between protein accession and the GO IDs; this information can be download using the ID mapping tool.

# Extract the protein accessions to convert into GO IDs
awk '{print $1}' sample.good.rmdup.slugs.trembl.tsv | sort -u > sample.good.rmdup.slugs.prot2go.tsv
# Attach the packages

# Add GO annotations to the transcripts 
txann <- go_annotation( 
  trans_blast = "sample.good.rmdup.slugs.trembl.tsv", 
  trans_hmm   = "sample.good.rmdup.slugs.seqdom.tsv", 
  unip_goid   = "sample.good.rmdup.slugs.prot2go.tsv"

# Export the annotation
write_delim(txann, file = "sample.good.rmdup.slugs.trans2go.tsv", delim = "\t", col_names = FALSE)

STEP 10: Additional functional annotation using a orthologs database. After filtering the sequencing and obtained the final transcriptome (sample.good.rmdup.slugs.faa) we sent it for functional annotation using the eggNOG webportal (Huerta-Cepas et al. 2019; Cantalapiedra et al. 2021) with the following options: protein sequences, minimum hit e-value = 1e-6; percentage identity = 60, minimum % of query coverage = 50; Gene Ontology evidence = Transfer all annotations; PFAM refinement = realign queries to the whole PFAM DB; and SMART annotation = Perform SMART annotation. The other options were set by default.

Additional steps

Over-represented sequences analysis: We extracted the overrepresented sequences identified using FastQC and aligned them to the Nucleotide database. The result is showed in the Table S2.

# Attach the packages

# Extract the overrepresented sequences and their abundance
overseq_tbl <- full_join(
  qc_plot(qc_read(""), "Overrepresented sequences") %>% select(Sequence, Count) %>% rename("frcts" = Count),
  qc_plot(qc_read(""), "Overrepresented sequences") %>% select(Sequence, Count) %>% rename("rvcts" = Count)

# Export overrepresented sequences
overseq <- DNAStringSet(overseq_tbl %>% pull(Sequence))
names(overseq) <- paste0("ELVIRA_OVERSEQ-", 1:nrow(overseq_tbl))
writeXStringSet(x = overseq, filepath = "sample.overseq.fna", append = FALSE)
# Align the overrepresented sequences to the Nucleotide database 
blastn \
  -num_threads $SLURM_NTASKS \
  -task blastn-short \
  -db nt \
  -query sample.overseq.fna
  -out sample.overseq.nt.tsv \
  -evalue 1e-3 \
  -outfmt 6 \
  -perc_identity 75 \
  -max_target_seqs 1 \
  -max_hsps 1

Transcriptome fragmentation: We checked if the transcript were assembled completely and the proteins coverage (we required the alignment obtained in the STEP 7).

# Calculate fragmentation and protein coverage
trans_frag <- check_completeness(
  prot_seqs  = "sample.good.rmdup.slugs.faa",
  prot_blast = ""

# Export the result
write_delim(trans_frag, file = "sample.fragmentation.tsv", delim = "\t", append = FALSE, col_names = TRUE)

Orthogroups selection and tree construction

Orthogroups detection:

# Create a dump directory to store the different transcriptomes
mkdir ref_sequences

# Run OrthoFinder
orthofinder \
  -f ref_sequences \
  -M msa \
  -A mafft \
  -T raxml-ng \
  -o slugs_ortphy
# Estimate the substitution model
modeltest-ng \
  --force \
  --processes $SLURM_NTASKS \ 
  --datatype aa \
  --input slugs_ortphy/*/MultipleSequenceAlignments/SpeciesTreeAlignment.fa \
  --output SpeciesTreeAlignment.model \
  --topology ml \
  --frequencies e \
  --model-het f \
  --template raxml

# Build the ML tree
raxml-ng \
  --redo \
  --threads $SLURM_NTASKS \
  --all \
  --check \
  --msa slugs_ortphy/*/MultipleSequenceAlignments/SpeciesTreeAlignment.fa \
  --model MODEL \
  --blopt nr_safe \
  --bs-trees 10000 

Orthogroups gene-ontology enrichment

# Attach the libraries

# Load the Orthogroups information
cnames      <- c("Orthogroup", "ACA", "ECH", "ECO", "ECR", "EOR", "ETI", "EVI", "OVI", "POC")
orthogroups <- read_delim(file = "orthofinder_dir/Orthogroups.tsv", delim = "\t", col_names = cnames, skip = 1) 

# Load ELVIRA annotation
txannotation <- readMappings(file = "sample.good.rmdup.slugs.trans2go.tsv", sep = "\t", IDsep = ";")  
# Pick up the genes of interest
txsubset <- orthogroups %>% 
  filter(,, !, !, !, !, !, !, ! %>%

txsubset <- orthogroups %>% 
  filter(,,,, !, !, !, !, ! %>%

txsubset <- orthogroups %>% 
  filter(,,,, !, !,, !, ! %>%

# Select the genes of interest 
txsubset <- unlist(str_split(string = txsubset, pattern = ", "))
txsubset <- factor(as.integer(names(txannotation) %in% txsubset))
names(txsubset) <- names(txannotation)
# Perform GO-term enrichment
# Biological Process
bp_godata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "BP", allGenes = txsubset, annot = annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO = txannotation)
bp_enrichment <- runTest(object = bp_godata, algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "t")
bp_enrichment <- GenTable(object = bp_godata, pvalue = bp_enrichment, topNodes = 2583)

# Cellular Component
cc_godata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "CC", allGenes = txsubset, annot = annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO = txannotation)
cc_enrichment <- runTest(object = cc_godata, algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "t")
cc_enrichment <- GenTable(object = cc_godata, pvalue = cc_enrichment, topNodes = 683)

# Molecular Function
mf_godata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "MF", allGenes = txsubset, annot = annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO = txannotation)
mf_enrichment <- runTest(object = mf_godata, algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "t")
mf_enrichment <- GenTable(object = mf_godata, pvalue = mf_enrichment, topNodes = 1606)

# Binding enrichment result
go_enrichment <- tibble(bind_rows(
  bp_enrichment %>% mutate("go_class" = "BP"),
  cc_enrichment %>% mutate("go_class" = "CC"),
  mf_enrichment %>% mutate("go_class" = "MF")
)) %>%
  mutate(pvalue   = str_replace(string = pvalue, pattern = "< ", replacement = ""),
         pvalue   = as.numeric(pvalue),
         go_class = factor(go_class, levels = c("BP", "CC", "MF")))

# Export the result
write_delim(x = go_enrichment, file = "go_enrichment.tsv", delim = "\t", append = FALSE, col_names = TRUE)


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