A Reddit comment dataset which searches for 'clapbacks' (comments which are scored higher than the original comments) and set up CSVs for Google AutoML to build a classification model.
Article: "Can DeepClapback learn to lol?"
- sudo apt-get install python3-pip postgresql-client-10 postgresql-client-common transmission-cli
- cd /mnt/DISK
- bzip -d /mnt/DISK/reddit_data/year/RC_YEAR-MONTH.bz2
- python3
- python3
Downloading Reddit data as a torrent from AcademicTorrents, may be flagged by your work, school, ISP, VPN or other watchers. Consider your connection, tread carefully.
Comments and responses in the torrent, 'clapback', and NOMEME datasets, all include NSFW language and links!
Reddit comments are properties of Reddit and comment owners using their Terms of Service
Code is public domain