AWS ECS Fargate, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline and Terraform
- Use Terraform version 12<=
- aws configure
Clone the project
$ git clone YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/
1- Build the environments testing, development and production
To build testing environment
$ cd YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/terraform/test $ terraform init $ terraform apply -auto-approve
To build development environment
$ cd YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/terraform/dev $ terraform init $ terraform apply -auto-approve
To build production environment
$ cd YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/terraform/dev $ terraform init $ terraform apply -auto-approve
2- After that we need to build the pipeline
$ cd YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/terraform/app-pipeline/
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply -auto-approve
3- Then clone the new repository that has been created on codecommit and copy the app to the cloned folder
Add your ssh key to your IAM
$ cd YOUR_PROJECT_DIR $ git clone ssh:// $ cd notejam $ cp -r ../app/* . $ git add . && git commit -m "Adding the project" && git push
Deployment Strategy:
on testing environment:
blue/green ECSAllAtOnce
on development environment:
blue/green ECSLinear10PercentEvery1Minutes
on production environment:
blue/green ECSLinear10PercentEvery1Minutes
If you would like to deploy to multi region , copy the environment dev,test and prod and change the region name from also you need to add a stage in app-pipeline as I did for test-us.
- To add monitoring and logs we need to create elasticsearch subscription filter to cloudwatch