💡 This documentation contains all the details for the frontend of the Burga N o W! Vue App
This is the Front-end of a webapp called Burga N o W! This app is a burgerstore, it was developed for educational purposes in the Vue Course by Coderhouse in 2021. The app allows users to view products, add them into the cart, register and login.
On the admin-side, the administrator can remove products, add new products, modify and delete them. Also, the administrator can view all registered users / products and grant users the administrator privilige.
Project Details:
- This project was developed in Vue version 2
- Axios, in order to make HTTP requests
- vue-form, to handle forms properly
- vue-router, to make routing dynamic.
- vue-swal, to display custom alerts
- vuetify, main CSS framework the project uses
- vuex, allows vue to integrate a general state ( store ) so it's easier to handle the state.
Hosting Details:
- The project was deployed on Netlify
npm install - to install the project
npm run serve - to initialize the project locally