A personalized dashboard built with React and TypeScript, allowing users to dynamically add, move, and configure widgets. The app demonstrates a modular and scalable architecture with persistent data stored in localStorage.
- Dynamic Widgets: Add, configure, and manage various widgets on the dashboard.
- Modular components: Each widget is a self-contained React component.
- Persistent State: Uses localStorage to save user configurations.
- Fast Build: Built with Vite for fast development and optimized production builds.
- React: Component-based architecture for building the UI.
- TypeScript: Static typing for better developer experience and maintainability.
- Vite: Fast build tool and development server.
- ESLint: Linting for consistent code quality.
- Prettier: Code formatting to enforce style rules.
- Dashboard.tsx # Container for all widgets
- Widget.tsx # Individual widget component
- useLocalStorage.ts # Custom hook for localStorage persistence
- widget.ts # Type definitions for widgets