My web app Das Beste des Tages./The Best of Your Day. helps to focus on the positive things on a daily basis. In the mornings you can reflect on what you're looking forward to today. In the evenings about what was your highlight during the day, what made you feel happy. The best feature is that you can treasure your chosen highlights, and that would be your feel good booster whenever you need one. It was made with Next.js.
This app was developed as my capstone project during the final four weeks of the neue fische Web Development Bootcamp in winter 2022.
Please watch out: This app is optimized for mobile usage. Please switch your browser to responsive mode (iPhone SE/6/7/8).
Take a look at the app here on Vercel or watch the preview below.
- React
- React Hooks
- React Icons
- Next.js
- Next.js Router
- Javascript
- Styled Components
- LocalStorage
- uuid
- Jest
- React Testing Library