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This project covers the fundamental statistical learning and real world business problem using R for programming.

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This project covers the fundamental statistical learning and real world business problem using the R programming language. Using the dataset insurance.csv we perform the project objectives to understand how the response variable charges is affected by different predictor variables. We will also find out which model best performs for fictitious business goals and purposes.

Project Objective

  • Perform data feature selection, feature elimination, feature importance using techniques such as Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and Random Forest.
  • Develop models using supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised learning techniques such as decision trees, regression trees, neural networks, and support vector machines.
  • Tune model parameters, estimate prediction errors, and model validation.
  • Compare and ensemble multiple models in pipeline and automatically select the best model.

Data Preparation

First, the dataset insurance.csv was loaded into memory. Before continuing, we transformed the variable charges by using the log() function. Transforming charges allowed us to normalize its dataset since it was a highly skewed variable.

Next, we used model.matrix() to create another dataset that uses dummy variables in place of the categorical variables. To split the data we used the sample() function and set.seed() to 1 we generated row indexes for the training and test sets. 2/3 of the row indexes for the training set and 1/3 for the test set. This allowed us to then create training and test datasets from the dataset created previously. And also we created training and test datasets from the dummy variables.

Build a Multiple Linear Regression Model

In this section we performed multiple linear regression lm with variable charges as the reponse and the predictors are: age, sex, bmi, children, smoker, and region. We can call summary() function to understand the model.

In the summary() function's output, we can determine the relationship looking at the p-value. If the p-value is greater than 5%, their will be no indication of a relationship. If the p-value is less than 5% than their is a relationship. As the p-value is 2.2e-16%, there is a relationship between the predictors and the response variables. For example, we can see that sex has a significant relationship to the response charges. We determine this by looking at the Pr(>|t|) value. Sex, specifically for male, is 0.027847%, which means that sex has a significant relationship with response charges.

From the multiple linear regression model we predicted that the best model will include the following predictors: age,sex,bmi,children,smoker, and region. We will use stepAIC() function to perform the best subset selection and choose the best model based on AIC.

After performing stepAIC() we computed the test error of the best model using LOOCV() using trainControl() and train() from the caret library. These functions from the caret library allow us to streamline the model training process for complex regrssion and classification problems. The LOOCV() is a type of cross-validation in which each observation is considered as the validation set and the rest (N-1) observations are considered as the training set. In LOOCV, fitting of the model is done and predicting using one observation validation set. The MSE for the LOOCV model was 0.1833683.

We were also able to calculate the test error of the best model based on AIC using 10-fold cross validation (CV). With the 10-fold cross validation we achieved a MSE of 0.1792372.

Between both models we will use the LOOCV. The MSE for this final model was 0.2347613. In summary, we used the test dataset to compare the predictions to the actual response variable in the test data so we are able to evaluate the model's accuracy.

Build a Regression Tree Model

Using tree() we will build a regression tree model where charge will be the response variable and the following variables are the predictors: age,sex,bmi,children,smoker, and region. The tree() function is grown by binary recursive partitioning using the repsponse variable in the specified formula and choosing splits from the predictors.

We can then find the optimal tree by using cv.tree() which runs a k-fold cross-validation experiment to find the deviance or number of misclassifications as a function of the cost-complexity parameter 'k'.

The best size for the optimal model is 6. We would like to choose the size that has the least amount of error rate because we want to first test how well our model is able to get trained by some data and then predict the data it hasn't seen. If our test error is high after pruning, that just means we can continue with a subtree to find a simpler model and lower test error. We want to find a balance between variance and bias, with respect to how simple our tree can be. It is important to do cross validation so we can select the optimal value that controls the trade-off between a subtree's complexity and its fit to the training data. After pruning we can plot the best tree model and see what predictors are most important to the response variable charges. Using the regression tree model the MSE is 0.2019634.

Build a Random Forest Model

The next model we built was the Random Forest model using the randomForest() model. We can see that the MSR and % variance are based on OOB estimates, a device to get honest error estimates.

We were also able to extract the variable importance measure using the importance() function.

Visually seeing the variable importance using the varImpPlot() function we can see that the top 2 important predictors in this model are smoker and age. The third important predictor is between children and bmi depending on the graphs. This plot ranks the usefulness of the variables. This means that smoker and age are the variables that will give the prediction and contribute most to the model. children may be an important variable because if an insurance policy holder has more children, the charges would be higher. On the other hand, bmi may be an important variable because a policy holder's health background may affect the insurance charges.

Build a Support Vector Machine

Support Vector Machines (SVM) are supervised learning models with associated learning algorithms that analyze data used for classification and regression analysis. Performing SVM using the svm() we then were able to perform a grid search to find the best model's parameters of potential cost, gamma and kernel.

Applying these parameters to the best model then using the predict() function on the test dataset we were able to achieve a MSE for the SVM model of 0.2259622.

Perform K-Means Cluster Analysis

K-Means Clustering is a common unsupervised machine learning algorithm for partitioning a given dataset into a set of k groups, where k represents the number of groups pre-specified by the analyst. For the insurance dataset we work with the numerical variables: age, bmi, children, and charges. We determined the optimal number of clusters using the libraries cluster and facoextra. Using the fviz_nbclust() function the optimal number of clusters is 3. This means that when k=2, this is considered a good cluster for which the within-cluster variation is small as possible.

Now performing kmeans() with the optimal number of clusters we can visualize our results with fviz_cluster(). This will be helpful to assess the choice of number of clusters as well as compare two different cluster analyses. fviz_cluster() takes the k-means results and the original data as arugments. In the resulting plot below the observations are represented by points using principal components to find a low-dimensional representation of the observations that explains a good fraction of the variance. For the insurance data, we clustered it into 3 sub-groups that visualize all 4 columns of data observations. The sum of squares summary looks at the deviations of each point around its cluster mean. For our percentage from between sum of squares divided by total sum it is 74.7%. This is a percent variance that explains the cluster means. It is pretty high, which means that the k we chose is meant to be the most optimal, is doing a good job.

Build a Neural Network Model

For this model we standardized the inputs using the scale() function and converted the inputs to a dataframe using the function. We then split the data into train and test datasets. Like other models we were then able to plot, predict and calculate the MSE which was 0.6754152.


In conclusion, we have the following model types we created with their respective MSE. For this data, insurance we can suggest that the best model to use is the Random Forest Model with a MSE of 0.1780. Our goal is to find the model with the smallest MSE. The smallest MSE will represent that the predicted responses are very close to the true responses. We calculate based on MSE because it takes into consideration of the bias-variance trade off. The random forest model is the best because while achieving a MSE closer to zero, it simultaneously has low variance and low bias which are both non-negative.

We can use the Random Forest Model to explain to clients potential costs could be different for customers. The benefits of using the random forest model are:

  1. Random Forest can be used to solve both classification and regression problems.
  2. Random Forest works well with both categorical and continuous variables.
  3. Random Forest creates many trees on the subset of the data & combines the output of all the trees, which means it reduces the overfitting problem which reduces the variance and improves accuracy.
  4. The model output using the varImpPlot() function is a great visual when talking to potential clients and how each variable may affect their charges.

The disadvantages of using the random forest model are:

  1. Random Forest creates a lot of trees which means it will use a lot of computational power and resources. The complexity of the model is not great.
  2. Random Forest require more time to train which means a longer running period.


This project covers the fundamental statistical learning and real world business problem using R for programming.






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