In order to install the module via composer run one of the following commands in commandline in your shop base directory (where the shop's composer.json file resides).
composer require ddoe/wysiwyg-editor-module:^2.0.0
to install the latest released version compatible with OXID eShop v6.0composer require ddoe/wysiwyg-editor-module:dev-master
to install the latest unreleased version
During the composer command you will be asked:
Update operation will overwrite ddoe/wysiwyg-editor-module files. Do you want to continue? (Yes/No)
Please, type Yes
After installation, please, activate the module in OXID eShop Admin
EXTENSIONS -> Modules -> "WYSIWYG Editor + Mediathek" -> Activate
- OXID eShop compilation >=6.0.1
If you experience any bugs or issues, please report them in the section WYSIWYG Editor + Media Gallery of