I guess you can install pretty much all of this on any other distro, but I wont secure it.
- Terminal: Kitty
- Font: Hack Nerd Font
- Shell: ZSH + OH MY ZSH + Starship
- Plugins: syntax highlightnin, autosuggestions and fzf-tab(you have to install fzf first)
- Text editor: LazyVim
- Gtk theme: Orchis gtk theme with macos tweak
- Icons: Tela icon theme
- Cursor: Breezex-dark
- WM: Hyprland
- Shell: Aylurs Gtk Shell
- Discord: tuned with Vencord plugins, json is up there just in case
- Spotify: Riced with spicetify. I dont know the theme name.
- Cava: catpucchin theme I think.
Any other questions are welcome :)