More changes than in the past 8 years 200+ new features Two categories: 1) Quality of life improvements Examples of quality of life improvements: Streamlined exception handling Catch multiple exceptions in the same catch block Reduced need for nested try/catch blocks! Declare a file resource in the parens of a try-statement, and java will automatically close the file stream if there is an error 2) Core language additions My talk today is about the following: Annotations, Interfaces, Lambdas, Function references, Streams. Annotations Java 8 introduces method parameter level annotations @NotNull, ships with Java 8, checked at compile time just like @Override You can also create your own! @FunctionalInterface, will be covered later Interfaces Default methods Template pattern similar to abstract classes/methods Keep helper methods in context and reduce need for utility classes Static methods Limited to other static methods Multiple inheritance How? Classes/interfaces can implement multiple interfaces, which can now have implementation thanks to default methods Java has always been against multiple inheritance! Why is this okay? Allows behavior inheritance Does not allow evil/messy state inheritance Pull up IDE and start live coding example Create FunctionalInterface, assign lambda to it @FunctionalInterface Requirements: Only 1 abstract method Interface methods are implicitly abstract Any number of default and static methods Java provides pre-made functional interfaces: Function, BiFunction, Predicate, Consumer, Supplier, and many more Lambdas Single line syntax Verbose syntax Method references Never use a lambda as a wrapper for an existing method, use a method reference instead 4 types of method references: ContainingClass::staticMethodName containingObject::instanceMethodName ContainingType::methodName Super cool! Assigns to a function that takes the instance on which to call the method as the first argument Example: Function func = Object::toString; ClassName::new Assigns well to a Supplier (i.e. factory) functional interface Lambdas & Method reference Summary Allow methods to be passed around as first order objects Compiler optimized, not simply syntactic sugar, DO NOT have the overhead of anonymous inner classes Streams Used to query data structures like SQL, but with a method chaining syntax The stream API allows you to filter, convert, transform, visit, aggregate data, and much more The Java collection API has been re-written to support streams. Simply call the .stream() method to start streaming Arrays can also be streamed via the method Supports threading / CPU core parallelism natively. Just call parallelStream() Streams can be infinite / procedurally generated Some stream methods are terminal, others are not Streams are not reusable. An exception will be thrown if you try to use a stream after a terminal method has been called Demo! Optional Introduced to minimize NPEs Forces programmers to think about and handle the null case Should not be used as parameters to a method! That's what @NotNull is for Should only be used in return types Notable methods: isPresent, get() - throws exception if null, ifPresent(Consumer), orElse(defaultValue)
© Mark Hennessy
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