I am currently building two applications:
makehuman.js a WebApp of Makehuman 1.2.0 with some features missing and some (being) added, like motion capturing provided by a C++ backend.
I also did a WebApp of Makehuman 0.9.1-rc1a which used morphs for posing, including muscles.
workflow a 2d vector graphics program
and the tools to build them with
- toad.js WebApp GUI toolkit leveraging the Presentation Model and Humble Object pattern, Web Components, Typescript and TSX.
- corba.js / corba.cc seamlessly connect WebApp GUIs with what does not fit into the browser.
- async.cc an ECMA script style C++ coroutine class for corba.cc
- kaffeeklatsch a C++ unit test framework similar to RSpec / Mocha & Chai
If you wanna contact me, my mail is on the left.
Cheers, Mark