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GitHub Action

Deploy to Clever Cloud


Deploy to Clever Cloud


Deploy to Clever Cloud

Deploy your application to Clever Cloud


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Deploy to Clever Cloud

uses: 47ng/actions-clever-cloud@v1.2.0

Learn more about this action in 47ng/actions-clever-cloud

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Deploy to Clever Cloud

Marketplace MIT License CI/CD Average issue resolution time Number of open issues

GitHub action to deploy your application to Clever Cloud.


In your workflow file:

  # This action requires an unshallow working copy,
  # so the following prerequisites are necessary:
  - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      fetch-depth: 0

  # Deploy your application
  - uses: 47ng/actions-clever-cloud@v1.1
      CLEVER_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CLEVER_TOKEN }}
      CLEVER_SECRET: ${{ secrets.CLEVER_SECRET }}

This minimal example assumes you have only one application for this repository that was linked with clever link, and the .clever.json file is versioned at the root of the repository. If that's not the case, read on:

Specifying the application to deploy

Clever Cloud uses a .clever.json file at the root of your repository to link to application IDs.

If you have committed the .clever.json file, you only need to specify the alias of the application to deploy:

- uses: 47ng/actions-clever-cloud@v1.1
    alias: my-app-alias
    CLEVER_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CLEVER_TOKEN }}

If you don't have this .clever.json file or you want to explicly deploy to another application, you can pass its ID:

- uses: 47ng/actions-clever-cloud@v1.1
    appID: app_facade42-cafe-babe-cafe-deadf00dbaad
    CLEVER_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CLEVER_TOKEN }}

Application IDs can be found in the Clever Cloud console, at the top-right corner of any page for a given app, or in the Information tab. They look like app_{uuidv4}.


You will need to pass a token and a secret for authentication, via the CLEVER_TOKEN and CLEVER_SECRET environment variables.

At the time of writing, the only way to obtain those credentials is to re-use the ones generated for a local CLI. For that:

  1. Install the clever-tools CLI locally
  2. Login on the CLI with clever login and follow the Web login process
  3. Extract the credentials:
$ cat ~/.config/clever-cloud
  1. In your repository settings, add the following secrets:
  • CLEVER_TOKEN: the token value in the credentials
  • CLEVER_SECRET: the secret value in the credentials

Extra Environment Variables

Support: introduced in v1.1

You can set extra environment variables on the deployed application under the setEnv option. It follows the same syntax as .env files (newline-separated, key=value).

- uses: 47ng/actions-clever-cloud@v1.1
    setEnv: | # <- note the pipe here..
    # ^-- ..and the indentation here
    CLEVER_TOKEN:  ${{ secrets.CLEVER_TOKEN }}

Note: you need to use a literal block scalar | to preserve newlines in a YAML string.

Environment variables will be set before the application is deployed, to let the new deployment use them.


Multi-line environment variable values (eg: SSH keys, X.509 certificates) are currently not supported (due to splitting on newline), but contributions are welcome.

If the deployment fails, the environment variables will still have been updated. This could be a problem if your app restarts or scales up, as the new instance would use the new variable.

In the future, we might include a way to rollback environment variables set by this action if deployment fails.

Deployment Timeout

Support: introduced in v1.1

Because build minutes are precious, and also because of two ongoing issues in the Clever Tools CLI ( #318, #319), you can specify a timeout in seconds after which the workflow will move on, regardless of the deployment status:

- uses: 47ng/actions-clever-cloud@v1.1
    timeout: 1800 # wait at maximum 30 minutes before moving on
    CLEVER_TOKEN:  ${{ secrets.CLEVER_TOKEN }}

Force deployement

Clever Cloud uses a Git remote to perform deploys. By default, if the commit you want to deploy is not a fast-forward from the commit currently deployed, the deploy will be rejected. You can pass force: true to force the deploy anyway:

- uses: 47ng/actions-clever-cloud@v1.1
    appID: app_facade42-cafe-babe-cafe-deadf00dbaad
    force: true
    CLEVER_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CLEVER_TOKEN }}


This action follows SemVer.

To specify the version of the action to use:

  • uses: 47ng/actions-clever-cloud@v1.1: latest stable version
  • uses: 47ng/actions-clever-cloud@3e5402496b8d6492401ebb3134acfeccc25c3fce: pinned to a specific Git SHA-1 (check out the releases)
  • uses: docker://47ng/actions-clever-cloud:latest: latest code from master (not recommended, as it may break: hic sunt dracones.)

Why ?

Clever Cloud lets you connect your GitHub repository so that any push is deployed. This is great for staging environments, but in some cases you may want to deploy to production only on specific events, like a release being published, or after a CI run.


MIT - Made with ❤️ by François Best

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