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GitHub Action

PR Monitor

v1.0.3 Latest version

PR Monitor


PR Monitor

Scan for open pull requests and send a Slack update


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: PR Monitor

uses: andrewandante/pr-monitor-slack-action@v1.0.3

Learn more about this action in andrewandante/pr-monitor-slack-action

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Pull Request Monitor + Slack Github Action

What is this? Why is it useful?

It checks your repo for open pull requests, then sends a message to your designated Slack channel with the details.

It can be used as a kind of stand-up - a reminder of PRs that need reviewing, a way to see if there are stale PRs we can purge, merge or refactor.



You'll need an app and a bot user configured to do the posting for you. Visit Slack's documentation to learn how to create an App and how to create the bot user.


Visit the "OAuth & Permissions" section on your App's settings page to configure these - it will need the following permissions at a minimum:

  • channels:join
  • chat:write
  • incoming-webhook

Once configured, add the App to your workspace - this will generate an Oauth token (same page as above) - you'll need this later. You then need to invite it the bot to the channel that you plan to send messages to.

Mine is called Patrick:



Add the following to a file called something like pr-monitor.yml to your .github/workflows directory:

    # 9:25 am Mon-Fri, just in time for stand up
    - cron:  '25 9 * * 1-5' 

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: PR monitor
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Scan for PRs
        id: scan
        uses: andrewandante/pr-monitor-slack-action@v1.0.0
          # required inputs
          slack-token: ${{ secrets.SLACK_OAUTH_TOKEN }}
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          # optional inputs (with defaults set)
          channel: '#pr-monitor'
          sort: 'updated'
          sort-direction: 'desc'
          approved-emoji: 'heavy_check_mark'
          pending-emoji: 'heavy_minus_sign'
          changes-requested-emoji: 'x'
          requested-reviewer-emoji: 'heavy_minus_sign'


slack-token [required]

Oauth token of the App, used to authenticate the bot user so the message can be posted. Here, you should save the Oauth token (should start with xoxb-) as a secret on the repo - I've called it SLACK_OAUTH_TOKEN in the example.

github-token [required]

Used to authenticate the Github API, as we are looping through reviewers and pull requests and such. secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN is defined by default, so you should just use that.

channel [default: '#pr-monitor']

The channel to post to in Slack. Make sure the bot user is invited!

sort [default: 'updated']

What field the pull requests are sorted on when retrieved. See (the Octokit docs)[] for further explanation. Valid values are 'created', 'updated', 'popularity' or 'long-running'

sort-direction [default: 'desc']

The order of the sort. Can also be 'asc'.

approved-emoji [default: 'heavy_check_mark']

The emoji to use for a pull request review that has approved the changes (minus the wrapping colons)

pending-emoji [default: 'heavy_minus_sign']

The emoji to use for a pull request review that is pending (minus the wrapping colons)

changes-requested-emoji [default: 'x']

The emoji to use for a pull request review that has requested changes (minus the wrapping colons)

requested-reviewer-emoji [default: 'heavy_minus_sign']

The emoji to use for a pull request review has been requested but not begun (minus the wrapping colons)


Shout out to stojg/purr, the first iteration of this idea that motivated me enough to learn Javascript just to write it.