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GitHub Action

Vale Spell-Check


Vale Spell-Check


Vale Spell-Check

Run Vale for spell-checking - much faster than the official Vale action


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Vale Spell-Check

uses: simbo/vale-action@v1.1.1

Learn more about this action in simbo/vale-action

Choose a version


A GitHub action to run Vale for spell-checking with optional Reviewdog integration.

It does pretty much the same like the official Vale action, but as this one is not using Docker, it's much faster.


Use simbo/vale-action@v1 in your GitHub action workflow.

Your project should have a vale.ini.


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: 🛎 Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: 🧑‍🏫 Spell-Check
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
        uses: simbo/vale-action@v1


Input Required Default Description
version no (latest) Vale release version to use.
flags no '' Space-delimited list of flags for the Vale CLI. To see a full list of available flags, run vale -h.
files no '.' Space-delimited list of file or directory arguments; equivalent to calling vale input1 input2.
reviewdog no 'false' Whether to use Vale with Reviewdog.
github_token no '${{ github.token }}' The GitHub repo access token to be used for Reviewdog.
github_com_pat no A PAT to avoid API rate limits
reporter no 'github-pr-review' Set the reporter type for Reviewdog.
fail_on_error no 'false' By default, Reviewdog will return exit code 0 even if it finds errors. If fail_on_error is enabled, Reviewdog exits with 1 when at least one error was reported.
filter_mode no 'added' Set the filter mode for Reviewdog.


This action has no outputs. 🤷‍♂️


Creating a new Version

Use ./ <major|minor|patch> which will create a git tag for the respective version.

A release workflow will pick up the tag when pushed to GitHub, create a release and move major, minor and latest tags accordingly.

To publish the release into the GitHub marketplace open releases and update the release for marketplace publishing.


MIT © Simon Lepel