Language Forge and Scripture Forge represent different websites, but have the same code base stored in seperate repositories for the purpose of version control and issue tracking. Since they are related repos it is easy to merge from one to the other.
To use Language Forge go to
To use Scripture Forge go to
To report an user issue with the Language Forge application, email "issues @ languageforge dot org".
To report an user issue with the Scripture Forge application email "issues @ scriptureforge dot org".
For end-to-end test automation:
For error reporting:
We use Gitflow with two modifications:
- The Gitflow master branch is our live branch.
- The Gitflow develop branch is our master branch. All pull requests go against master.
We merge from master to testing (qa branch) then ship from qa to live.
Status of builds from our continuous integration (CI) server:
Site | Master Unit | Master E2E | QA | Live |
Language Forge | in transition | |||
Scripture Forge | in transition |
Successful builds from our CI server deploy to:
Site | Master | QA | Live |
Language Forge | | | |
Scripture Forge | | | |
PHP code conforms to PSR-2.
- Add
globally installed with composer ( Here is how to add it to PhpStorm ( Use it with the parametersfix --verbose "$FileDir$/$FileName$"
JavaScript code conforms to AirBNB JS style guide.
- Using PhpStorm with JSCS helps a lot with automating this (see the section below on PhpStorm Coding Standard and Style).
- We plan to use Prettier with pre-commit hook after re-writing the whole repo with Prettier first.
We are in the process of moving our code base from JavaScript to TypeScript.
Note: this repo is currently AngularJS (1.6) not Angular (2+).
As we make the conversion to TypeScript, we will be following the Angular Style Guide. This is opinionated not only about things like file name conventions but also file and folder structure. This is an appropriate time to change structure and file names since most file contents will be changed anyway. The reason for following this is to make it easier, not only for new developers to the project (like the FLEx team and hired developers) but also to change to Angular (2+) later.
To this end you'll also want to be familiar with Upgrading from AngularJS particularly the Preparation section.
We are expecting that TypeScript will help us get things right from the beginning (catching things even as you type) as well as maintenance. We are expecting that it will be an easier transition for the FLEx team and that they will be able to help us with good typing, interfaces and class design.
Other useful resources:
- angularjs-styleguide/typescript at master · toddmotto/angularjs-styleguide
- AngularJS 1.x with TypeScript (or ES6) Best Practices by Martin McWhorter on CodePen
- What is best practice to create an AngularJS 1.5 component in Typescript? - Stack Overflow
- Don't Panic: Using ui-router as a Component Router
- Lifecycle hooks in Angular 1.5
The below sections go into detail on how to manually set up the developer environment. As an alternative to these instructions, you can download and run the automatic install script that is known to work on Ubuntu Xenial Native and Ubuntu Xenial on Windows 10 WSL. Click here for the Automatic Install instructions.
Our recommended development environment for web development is Linux Ubuntu GNOME. Choose either the Vagrant VM Setup or the Local Linux Development Setup. Even though the Vagrant VM Setup is definitely easier because it always installs from a clean slate on a new virtual box, we recommend doing development on your local development machine. This approach will make your page loads approximately 50 times faster. In my tests 100 ms (local) vs 5000 ms (Vagrant / Virtualbox). The reason for this is that Virtualbox gives access to the php files via the VirtualBox shared folder feature. This is notoriously slow.
It is also possible to develop on Windows 10 using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). This allows you to run a Linux distribution, such as Ubuntu, in Windows. The development environment has only been tested on Windows 10 Creators Update (1703). For the full steps on setting up a development environment in Windows 10, see Windows 10 Setup.
This automatic install script assumes that you are starting with a fresh install of Ubuntu Xenial, either native or on Windows 10 WSL.
To begin the automatic installation, cd into a source directory (creating one if necessary). On Windows 10 WSL this might look like this (make sure you are in Bash!):
mkdir -p /mnt/c/src
cd /mnt/c/src
Now, download and run the install script:
wget -O- | bash -
Expect the install to take 30-60 minutes on a fresh Ubuntu Xenial install, depending upon your internet connection.
If you have never installed Ubuntu on Windows 10, follow the instructions in this guide to ensure the pre-requisites are installed
If you have already installed Ubuntu on Windows 10 but want to uninstall and re-install fresh open a Windows Command Prompt (Run as Administrator) and type the following:
lxrun /uninstall /full
If this is your first time installing Ubuntu Xenial on Windows 10 (or if you just uninstalled in the previous step) type the following:
lxrun /install
After Ubuntu Xenial Bash has finished installing, close the Windows Command Prompt and open a Bash prompt (now available in the start menu)
If you are on Windows, begin by giving your user account permission to create symlinks. This is necessary or npm install
will not run properly.
- Download the file and save it as Vagrantfile.
- Open the command line to the directory where the Vagrantfile is and run
vagrant up --no-provision
(this delays provisioning so the VirtualBox guest additions updates don't interfere with the provisioning process.) - Shut down the box with
vagrant halt
- Run
vagrant up --provision
vagrant up --no-provision
vagrant halt
vagrant up --provision
Edit your hosts file (On Linux, /etc/hosts
, on Windows, C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
. You will have to use sudo on Linux and edit as Administrator on Windows). Add the following lines: languageforge.local scriptureforge.local
Then open languageforge.local and scriptureforge.local ensure they load correctly.
Proceed to Language Forge Configuration File and follow the rest of the steps in this README.
Start with the Ansible-assisted setup described here to install and configure a basic development environment.
After creating your Ansible-assisted setup, clone this repository from your home folder...
mkdir src
cd src
mkdir xForge
cd xForge
git clone web-languageforge --recurse-submodules
The --recurse-submodules
is used to fetch many of the Ansible roles used by the Ansible playbooks in the deploy folder. If you've already cloned the repo without --recurse-submodules
, run git submodule update --init --recursive
to pull and initialize them.
If you want to run an independant repo for scriptureforge, clone its repo also...
git clone web-scriptureforge --recurse-submodules
Otherwise just create a symbolic link between languageforge and scriptureforge...
ln -s web-languageforge web-scriptureforge
Change the variable mongo_path: /var/lib/mongodb in deploy/vars_palaso.yml
. Set it to a location where MongoDB should store its databases.
- Vagrant VM Setup: uncomment line 6 and comment line 5
- Local Linux Development Setup: uncomment line 5 and comment line 6 (or whatever is appropriate on your system, its best to have Mongo store databases on your HDD rather than SSD). Make sure the
user has permission to read and write to the path you specify.
Run the following Ansible playbooks to configure Ansible and run both sites.
cd web-languageforge/deploy
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook_create_config.yml --limit localhost -K
ansible-playbook playbook_xenial.yml --limit localhost -K
If you run into an error on the ssl_config : LetsEncrypt: Install packages
task, run the playbook again and that task should succeed the second time it is run.
Install dependencies used to build Sass files and run E2E tests
cd web-languageforge
npm install
gulp sass
gulp webpack-lf
or use gulp webpack-sf
if you are working in Scripture Forge.
To watch Sass files for changes, run gulp sass:watch
. The output will also be in a more readable format (rather than compressed as it is with gulp sass
). You can also pass the --debug
flag to enable source comments and source maps in comments in the output files.
To watch TypeScript files for changes, run gulp webpack-lf:watch
or gulp webpack-sf:watch
. This includes a live reload server to refresh the browser on TypeScript changes (browser setup here).
Manually edit the Language Forge config file
sudo gedit /etc/languageforge/conf/sendreceive.conf
and modify PhpSourcePath to
PhpSourcePath = /var/www/virtual/
Before setting up a development environment on Windows 10, it is important to understand a couple of things about how WSL works.
- You cannot make changes to the Linux filesystem from Windows, but you can make changes to the Windows filesystem from Linux. In practical terms, this means that any files that you want to be able to modify should be stored in the Windows filesystem. For example, Git repos should be cloned to the Windows filesystem. Windows drives are automatically mounted in Linux under the
directory. A good practice is to store all Git repos in a directory on Windows, and then create a symbolic link to the directory in your home directory on Linux. - WSL is designed to only work with command-line tools. It cannot run GUI applications. This means that any GUI-based code editors or IDEs will need to be run in Windows.
- Linux processes only run as long as a Bash shell is open. You can start a Bash shell on Ubuntu by running Bash on Ubuntu on Windows from the Start menu or by running
from the command prompt. Once you close all Ubuntu Bash shells, all Linux processes will shutdown gracefully. This means that you will have to start any services that you need when you open an Ubuntu Bash shell.
The first step is to install Ubuntu 16.04 on Windows. Follow the steps outlined on this page.
Download and install Git for Windows. If you would like a full-fledged GUI for Git, you can install Git Extensions.
After, WSL and Git are installed, you will need to perform an Ansible-assisted setup described here to install and configure a basic development environment. The ops-devbox repo will need to be cloned in Windows. You will also need to ensure that the repo is checked out with Unix line endings, so that Linux can read them properly.
To clone ops-devbox with Linux line endings, open Git Bash in Windows (not Bash on Ubuntu on Windows) and run:
git clone --recurse-submodules --no-checkout
cd ops-devbox
git config core.autocrlf input
git checkout
Once the repo is cloned, you can install Ansible in Ubuntu and run the ansible scripts as outlined in the ops-devbox README.
Follow the steps outlined in the Installation and Deployment section of Local Linux Development Setup. Remember that you will need to clone the xForge repos in Windows with Unix line endings.
git clone --recurse-submodules --no-checkout
cd web-languageforge
git config core.autocrlf input
git checkout
The rest of the steps should be performed in an Ubuntu Bash shell.
In order to access the local deployment of xForge apps, the local host names need to be added to Windows hosts file. The following lines should be added to the hosts file located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
: languageforge.local scriptureforge.local
All required Linux services must be restarted when you open the first Ubuntu Bash shell. You can start the services required for development with the following commands:
sudo service postfix start
sudo service mongodb start
sudo service apache2 start
You can create a shell script that executes these commands in order to make it more convenient to start the services.
Install Oracle Java JDK 8
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer oracle-java8-set-default
Download the Eclipse installer, extract the tar folder and run the installer.
tar xvf eclipse-inst-linux64.tar.gz
cd eclipse-installer
From the installer, select Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers
Create a launcher shortcut from your home directory
gedit .local/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
Replacing your USERNAME, paste the content below and save
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Integrated Development Environment
Even though we no longer use Eclipse for web development, we install the MonjaDB plugin for browsing and updating MongoDB.
Once the MonjaDB plugin is installed, access MonjaDB
from the Eclipse menu and select Connect
. Set the database name to scriptureforge
(both sites use the same database). Keep the other default settings and click OK
and you should see the contents of the database.
Download PhpStorm, extract the tar file and install. You may need to modify newer version numbers accordingly...
tar xvf PhpStorm-2016.2.1.tar.gz
sudo mv PhpStorm-162.1889.1/ /opt/phpstorm
sudo ln -s /opt/phpstorm/bin/ /usr/local/bin/phpstorm
# launch
LSDev members can contact their team lead to get the SIL license information. PhpStorm also has an option Evaluate for free for 30 days.
Download the PhpStorm plugin for EditorConfig and then install:
File --> Settings --> Plugins --> Install plugin from disk
This uses the .editorconfig
file at the root folder to enforce coding standards.
Also enable JSCS:
File -> Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> JavaScript --> Code Quality Tools --> JSCS
Set the Enable checkbox
Set Node interpreter to usr/local/bin/node
Set JSCS package to /usr/local/bin/jscs
Set Search for config(s) radio button to .jscsrc or .jscs.json
Set the Code style preset dropdown to Airbnb
Modify /usr/local/lib/node_modules/jscs/presets/airbnb.json
and change "requireTrailingComma": { "ignoreSingleLine": true }
"disallowTrailingComma": true,
Launch PhpStorm.
Click Create New Project from Existing Files. Leave the default option (Web server is installed locally, source files are located under its document root) and click Next.
From the Create New Project: Choose Project Directory dialog, browse to the web-languageforge
directory, then mark it as Project Root (using the Project Root
button in the toolbar) and click Next.
From the Add Local Server dialog set
Name: languageforge.local
Web server root URL: http://languageforge.local
--> Next --> Finish
Ansible will have installed Xdebug, but you still need to manually edit /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini
and append the following lines:
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.remote_port = 9000
For more detailed installation instructions, reference the Xdebug wizard
Setting PHP Interpreter from PhpStorm
File --> Settings --> Languages & Frameworks --> PHP
From the dropdown to PHP language level, select "7"
For Interpreter, click "..."
to browse, then "+"
- Name: PHP 7
- PHP executable: /usr/bin/php
Adding Servers from PhpStorm
File --> Settings --> Languages & Frameworks --> PHP --> Servers Click the "+" to add the following Name & Hosts:
- default.local
- languageforge.local
- scriptureforge.local
Restart apache2
sudo service apache2 restart
Install the Xdebug helper extension which adds a bug icon to the top right area of Chrome extensions.
Right-click to select Options and set IDE key
When it's time to Debug, check that the bug icon is green for Debug.
Then, from PhpStorm, click the telephone icon near the top right for Start Listening for PHP Connections.
Reference for Integrating Xdebug with PhpStorm.
Install the LiveReload extension.
Then from PhpStorm, click View->Tool Windows -> Gulp
When you want LiveReload running, double-click the reload or build-webpack:watch Gulp task. Then in the LiveReload chrome extension, click to enable it. A solid dot in the circle means the plugin is connected. Now when an applicable source file is changed and saved, it should trigger an automate page reload in the browser.
Visual Studio Code is a simple, free, cross-platform code editor. You can download VS Code from here.
The first time you open VS Code in the web-languageforge
directory, it will recommend a list of extensions that are useful for developing xForge apps.
Build tasks have been setup to work on both Windows 10 and Linux. Tasks are available for performing webpack build, sass build, and npm install. Tasks are defined in the .vscode/tasks.json
Chrome debugging has also been configured. Launch configurations are defined in the .vscode/launch.json
Unit testing currently uses PHPUnit which was already installed by composer.
File -> Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> PHPUnit
Under PHPUnit Library, select Use Composer autoloader
For Path to script
browse to web-languageforge/src/vendor/autoload.php
Under Test Runner
Select Default configuration file and browse to web-languageforge/test/php/phpunit.xml
Select Default boostrap file and browse to web-languageforge/test/php/TestConfig.php
To run tests, browse to the project view, right-click test/php
and select Run php
Note: at least one test will fail if the LFMerge (send/receive) program is not installed and available. This is OK as long as you are not testing Send/Receive functionality.
gulp test-js
or gulp test-js:watch
TypeScript unit test spec files live in the src
folder next to the relevant source file and have the file extension .spec.ts
. Only E2E test specs will be in the test
E2E tests live in the test
folder and have the file extension .e2e-spec.ts
From the web-languageforge
npm install
gulp test-e2e-webdriver_update
From the web-languageforge directory, start webdriver in one terminal:
gulp test-e2e-webdriver_standalone
Then to run languageforge tests in another terminal:
./ lf
To run scriptureforge tests:
./ sf
(If you get an error messages like Error: ECONNREFUSED connect ECONNREFUSED
you probably forgot to start the webdriver, see above)
To test a certain test spec, add a parameter --specs [spec name]
. For example,
./ lf --specs lexicon-new-project
will run the the lexicon-new-project.e2e-spec.ts tests on languageforge.
To add more verbosity during E2E tests, add a parameter --verbosity true
(For installation of npm see
Install gulp dependencies by running from the repo root (where):
npm install
To install the mongodb databases locally, run:
gulp mongodb-copy-prod-db
If you want to start over with your mongo database, you can use the factory reset script like so (this will delete all data in the mongodb):
cd scripts/tools
./FactoryReset.php run
After a fresh factory reset, there is one user. username: admin password: password
Occasionally developers need to update composer or npm. If something isn't working after a recent code change, try to update the dependencies:
In the root folder: npm install
In the src/ folder: composer install
To run the node server to get real time updating...
cd src/node
sudo node server.js
From the web-languageforge repo root folder...
cd ..
git clone
To deploy the machine server...
cd machine/build
On a development machine call
instead of
cd machine/build
To run the machine server...
Sometimes you may have to remove the json
file in /var/lib/languageforge/machine/data/build/
and then restart.
Copy /var/lib/languageforge/machine/
from live server.
Add any project slugs to the Projects
section of the json
file in /var/lib/languageforge/machine/data/engine/
Before putting data into ElasticSearch, setup the index with settings and data mappings...
- Elizabeth Koning
- Ethan Clark
- Ziqi Chen
- Ye Joo Oh