If you're looking for my personal Info:
const personalInfo = {
name: 'Martin Najjar',
title: 'Full Stack Developer',
specialTitles: ['Husband π€΅', 'Daddy π§ββοΈ', ' Mentor π¨βπ«', 'Hard worker π¨βπ»']
And if you're wondering what are the technologies I use:
const stack = ['HTML5', 'CSS3', 'Ruby', 'Ruby on Rails', 'JavaScript', 'TypeScript', 'ReactJS', 'React Native', 'NextJS', 'Redux', 'Bootstrap', 'Material UI'];
Who said I don't test my code?? Here are the techs I use for testing:
const tests = ['RSpec', 'Capybara', 'ShouldaMatchers', 'Selenium', 'Jest', 'React Testing Library'];
I use Linters? Sure. Check this out:
const myLinters = {
htmlCss: ['Lighthouse', 'Webhint', 'Stylelint'],
ruby: 'Rubocop',
javasctip: 'ESLint',
The tools I use? Here they are:
const tools = ['Git', 'GitHub Actions', 'Azure', 'VSCode', 'Heroku', 'Netlify', 'Vercel', 'DevTools', 'PhotoShop'];
What about DevOps?
const devOps = ['Professional Cloud Developer Certificated', 'GitHub CI/CD'];
How did I learn coding?? Well, this is the story:
const education = {
love: 'love? Yeah, you read it right. I fell in love with coding',
oneMAC: 'Online Program by Udacity',
Microverse: 'Full-time School'