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Smart Card Apps

Martin Paljak edited this page Apr 4, 2021 · 1 revision

Smart Card Apps - introduction

Creating Smart Card Apps

  • apps must implement SmartCardApp from apdu4j.core and be to be usable apdu4j CLI, be loadable with ServiceLoader
  • simple apps implement SimpleSmartCardApp fomr apdu4j.core, overriding int run(BIBO bibo, String[] argv) (much like public static void main(String[] argv))
  • more complex apps shall implement SmartCardAppListener and override at least CompletableFuture<AppParameters> onStart(String[] argv) and void onCardPresent(AsynchronousBIBO bibo, CardData card)


  • apdu4j-core (current version 2020r3) as provided
  • single

Installation and usage

  • drop foobar.jar file into ~/.apdu4j/apps/ to have an app called foobar (in addition to whatever name the included implementation gives as String getName()