Header only NuPIC.core wrapper for low level HTM algorithm abstraction
- Python like interface for C++ NuPIC.core users
- Header only
- No need to deal with yet another linker issue
- Easy to use
- No more dealing with std::vector when it should be a N-D array
- No more switching between dense/indexed SDR
- Fimilar patterns for Deep Learning developers
- NuPIC.core - https://github.com/numenta/nupic.core
- xtensor - https://github.com/QuantStack/xtensor
- CMake (To build the exmaples) - https://cmake.org/
- A C++14 capable compiler
- Layers
- SpatialPooler
- TemporalMemory
- TemporalPooler (Cells4)
- Encoders
- ScalarEncoder
- CategoryEncoder
- Including a decocder!
- Classifers
- SDRClassifer
- Other
- Raw anomoly
You don't need ot build! It is header only. Still, CMake build examples and installs header foor you.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
NuPIC.core is a bit annoning to build. Here is how
git clone https://github.com/numenta/nupic.core
cd nupic.core
export NUPIC_CORE=`pwd`
cd $NUPIC_CORE/build/scripts
make -j4
sudo make install
And since NuPIC has problems installing all the headers. You’ll need to copy them manually.
sudo cp -r src/nupic /usr/local/include
sudo cp -r build/scripts/src/nupic /usr/local/include
- Saving and loading models
- More encoders
- More classifers
- Python binding via cookiecutter and pybind11 (?)